Some drastic improvement for using wallpaper:
Wall surfaces are probably the most crucial thing to remember when bringing your idea to reality. The choices you chose – paint or wallpaper – will have a huge impact on your interior's economy, longevity, and even accessibility. You can learn more on Wallmur.
However, both in commercial premises and in residential buildings, the key one of which is too costly wallpaper, misconceptions regarding the latter are popular. By showcasing only a few instances of how wallpaper is not only functional and economical but also the most visually and esthetically appealing solution to any design scheme, we hope to set a record.
Fire prevention
Fire prevention standards are the first and, perhaps, the most significant value of wallpaper. Euroclass testing, a structured process in which items are graded based on their contribution to fire development, is used to assess fire protection.
Both European fire checks have been passed on quality wallpaper and have reached the highest level of results. Our whole range, for instance, provides these high output standards and slows down the spread of flames, minimizing destruction and helping with the evacuation.
Shield the surfaces of the wall
Its durability is the biggest advantage of using wallpaper. To resist blows, the best wallpapers are carefully designed; this helps them to shield the surfaces of the wall and preserve their appearance over time. That is, they do not need long-term treatment for the “refreshing” coat, unlike paint. In our selection, we also have biocidal additives for stain safety and quick washing, which is another bonus of picking wallpaper over paint.
The longevity stated gives way to another realistic value of wallpaper – it's economy. Durable wallpapers need limited upkeep and last longer. It follows that this alternative's inherently longer lifetime helps consumers to produce less overtime waste and, as a result, save everything from time to money and electricity.
Easy to renovate
It has never been so easy to renovate! Wallpaper is easy to strip and cover with little preparation when correctly applied to a firm wall surface. Actually, for this same reason, experienced designers choose wallpaper – a relatively simple substitute. Each time you plan to upgrade a room, you no longer have to worry about paint swatches and wonder about how many coats of paint you need.
Comprehensive portfolio
The choice of styles, textures, and colors that wallpaper provides is another major bonus. To bring every vision to life, you need the right mix of palette and pattern, and indeed, no other decorative approach provides such a comprehensive portfolio in one application.
Aesthetic taste
You may choose from subtle or richly textured patterns – for example, the variety of textures from nature to animal prints and geometric forms includes rich embossing from Muraspec. They also sell thousands of contract or digital prints and patterns that suit any variety of design needs and aesthetic tastes, from floral and botanical drawings to natural effects, metallic finishes, and more. And absolutely infinite possibilities are opened up by the option of personalized wallpaper.
Interior's ambiance
Designers are also available in a larger range of colors, which can have aesthetic and technical advantages. The first and perhaps most noticeable advantage of the right palette is that it helps to build the right mood. Color has a huge influence on any interior's ambiance.
It encourages you to make choices on anything from colors to shapes, textures, and more. Have you got a place to chill and rest? Pastel or neutral shades are available to select from. Need a summer to freshen up? Choose a palette of shades of black, blue, and green. Or, with rich, calming shades ranging from gold to maroon, you can warm up your scheme.
Lastly, it may also be of considerable functional value to have the proper wallpaper colors. You want to add dimension to a room? There are soft and airy shades to pick from, ranging from white to pale blue and green. Plus, a darker palette will help you bring to your fashion scheme a little coziness.