The Mandela Effect is now mainstream enough to qualify its very own topic on the TV show Jeopardy TV show, and as the topic for the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle. While some media sources might maintain “there's nothing to see here” since supposedly it can all be explained as mass misremembering, a steadily growing number of people feel quite differently. I asked the question on several social media platforms, “What does the Mandela Effect mean to you?” and I was delighted to receive so many insightful responses.
What the Mandela Effect Means to Me
I've dedicated decades of my life's work to exploring the phenomena of reality shifts, quantum jumps, and the Mandela Effect–and related aspects of mind-matter interaction. I've been publishing online first-hand accounts of reality shifts and Mandela Effects since the 1990s, in what is possibly the oldest and largest such publicly available archive. Recently, I've been part of monthly IMEC Open Tables live-stream events on the International Mandela Effect Conference's YouTube channel. What I haven't talked much about–until now–is why am I dedicating my life's work to researching this subject?
The simplest answer to this question is that I've had a lifelong dedication to and fascination with the nature of reality–and consciousness. Thanks to a number of my own personal life experiences, I've been keenly aware that my thoughts and feelings definitely influence physical reality. We now see scientific evidence to support that this is true, in such phenomena as the placebo effect, which I write about in my book, Quantum Jumps.
The more complete answer is that I believe the Mandela Effect helps show mankind a way that together, we can collectively experience changes to our shared reality–including changes to historical events. We can experience miraculous reality shifts, quantum jumps, and timeline jumps together.
What the Mandela Effect Means for All of Us
This past month I asked people in several different places on social media, including my YouTube community, my Facebook page, and various Facebook groups. I got some wonderful responses. Here are some that express how so many of us are feeling about this topic at this time.
“… it means that we create our realities. We can see/know beyond what we're being told is truth. Life is what you make it.”
“… it means I shifted my reality, and Mandela Effect episodes are an artifact of the ones I left. It's evidence to me my intentions to level up were successful.”
“I personally just find it to be something fun and exciting in my life; I know the deeper meanings, however I get a kick out of seeing a supposedly solid reality changing in front of my eyes.”
“They show me how I/we are progressing and expanding into different timelines and alternate/parallel realities. It makes me way too excited every time I notice something, because I feel it is a sign I am doing something good and moving in a positive direction.”
“I generally think that the universe, All That Is, etc… is trying to get my attention.”
“… it means learning how to survive in almost a new environment. At first it was like I was propelled into a different dimension, but as time goes by I am adapting to it.”
“It means we can shift this reality into a more love-ful and aware state when the collective will truly wishes for it. It gives me hope.”
“For me, so-called ‘reality' exists, but not the way we think it exists. It is plastic, mold-able. There is no cnocrete, solid, objective we can point to and say, ‘this is the only thing that is real.'–That is a mental, socialized construct that we all want to agree on, so we can feel comfort.”
“My opinions keep fluctuating as I keep trying to make sense of it; it means different things as I grow through them.”
“We are coming together as timelines merge and solidify.”
“Merging and aligning with highest Golden timeline.”
“I think it is a natural part of our evolution into higher dimensions–the effect will become more frequent and speed up to where our thoughts can manifest instantly and our lives are symphony of synchronicity. It will be accepted as our everyday reality that the past, present and future shift instantly. I had a glimpse once of what it will feel like as this speeds up and, from my current perspective, it's dizzying! Like stepping into the flow of a fast moving stream and letting go!”
“I see them as breadcrumbs letting us know that we are moving in the right direction. The first ones I think bring us to a personal dark night of the soul, so to speak, and generally force us to work through some things on our own–mainly because it takes some personal work to realize that we aren't crazy and that it is real. It then allows people to decide which road they want to take. Do we believe that it is a confabulation (as the powers that be want you to believe) or do we realize that we create our reality and we can decide, as Cynthia Sue Larson likes to ask, ‘How good can it get?' I've had a lot of fun with asking kids about if they could create any animal, what would it look like? And the results are pretty amazing! We have shifted to realities where some of them actually exist! And we couldn't find proof of them when I had asked them. So it can be super exciting!”
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This last comment reminds me that when I saw the movie Napolean Dynamite, I remember the main character drawing something in a sketchbook, and being asked what he was drawing. He replied that he was drawing a “Liger,” which was a combination of a lion and a tiger. I remember looking it up at the time, to see if such an animal existed, and seeing at that time that the movie came out in 2004, that it did not. But this year, I noticed seeing a real living Liger, that actually is a mix of lion and tiger.
This in turn reminds me of the perennial wisdom from indigenous wisdom keepers, that all ideas come from Nature, and that this is the true source of Original Thinking. This idea of “original” is thus a bit different from what we often think of, in terms of presuming human ingenuity and creativity are the source of novelty. I highly recommend meditating on this other perspective of the meaning of Nature being the true source of all “original thought”–in a kind of complete and absolute compendium of all possible ideas and notions. To glean a sense of what this is all about, I recommend Glenn Aparicio Parry's book, Original Thinking.
Renewed Hope
With respect to the ideas of merging timelines, the Golden Timeline, idealism, optimalism, philosopher Nicholas Rescher's idea of Axiogenesis, the Hopi Prophecy rock, and Revhumanism–I also love the Mandela Effect for the way it is helping us recognize how some global changes might be able to resolve otherwise seemingly insoluble problems. Solutions can arrive as if they had always been there. And that's definitely part of what I envision as my best possible future reality.
Which of course reminds me that I also recommend in any and all circumstances that we all keep asking my favorite question, “How good can it get?” Let's find out!
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You can watch the companion video to this blog here: