There are many things that result in wrinkles on the face, body, neck and hands and they typically fall into one of two categories. The first is fine surface lines, with the other being deeper furrowed wrinkles and you can either simply live with them or find a skin treatment product that combats the problem.
Wrinkles can be caused by smoking, sun damage, age or even genetics and whilst we can’t control all of these factors, you can do some things to reduce them. Of course, you can stop smoking and put sunscreen on, but what to do about those wrinkles that are caused by things that are out of your hands?
In this blog, we’ll be looking at a few of the products you can use to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and in some cases, eliminate them completely. There may be some products that you’re already aware of, but hopefully we’ll cover one or two that you’ve not thought of before.
An ongoing solution for wrinkles are our tried and trusted moisturizers that at very least will make them appear less noticeable. They don’t get rid of moisturizers permanently, but with regular use, moisturizers will begin to stop them appearing in the first place.
Wrinkle Reduction Creams
The next skin treatment product for wrinkles we look at are retinoids, which are widely used by women across the country. They’re known for reducing uneven pigmentation, rough skin and of course, wrinkles and using them can result in some peeling and redness. It can be a little unpleasant to begin with, but it will stop soon after.
Another popular way to reduce wrinkles is through the use of dermabrasion. These products ‘rub away’ dead skin, allowing newer skin to shine through underneath. Again, you need to be careful with these kinds of solutions if you have sensitive skin problems of any kind.
Alpha-Hydroxy Acid Products
Also known as ‘fruit acids’, alpha-hydroxy acid products can contain lactic and glycolic acids and they offer perhaps a less obvious initial result for wrinkles. You shouldn’t feel too much in the way of irritation and it shouldn’t last too long either. Just don’t expect an immediate improvement.
Another skin treatment product great for dealing with wrinkles are antioxidant creams that contain vitamins A, C & E in addition to beta carotene. Some forms may also offer a degree of protection from the sun – although we’d still recommend also using sunscreen, even if this is the case.
Glycolic Acid Peels
Some people see glycolic acid peels as their go-to skin treatment product, as they are known for being quite effective at dealing with the finest of fine lines. There are more deeper peels that include ingredients like phenol or TCA, but you have to be careful with stronger products, as they can cause more significant side effects like color changes or scarring.
Finding the Right Solution for Your Needs
Holding back wrinkles is a little like trying to hold back the tide, but when you find something that works for you, then there’s no reason why you can’t do an effective job of ensuring they don’t appear before they should.
From amongst the many options we’ve mentioned here – and there are more – there should be a solution that works for you. It’s just a matter of finding it.
Just remember to be nice and gentle in your approach as it is possible to cause wrinkles with harsh products. Whichever you decide, we wish you a happy, wrinkle free life!