Many casino guests feel that having a few drinks at the bar is a memorable part of the gaming experience. So, if you're going to a casino, you may be wondering which drinks you should order at the bar. While much of this comes down to personal preferences, many casinos offer some unique cocktails that most guests are likely to love.

However, you'll want to keep a clear head while you're gaming. So, it's typically best to choose drinks that contain only one spirit. If your beverage of choice contains multiple types of spirits, it's all too easy to overdo it. Here are some of the best mixed drinks to order during your next trip to the casino:
1. Scotch and Soda
While scotch and soda may sound like an unusual combination to some, many people find that it's a delicious and sensible drink to choose for their gaming experience. Many casino bars offer many different scotch selections to choose from, which often include some of the best brands. This can be a great way to enjoy a subtle version of a fine scotch's flavor, and ordering your scotch with soda will make it much easier to sip the drink over a long period of time.
2. Vodka and Red Bull
Be aware that the combination of caffeine and alcohol can make you feel less drunk than you actually are. However, in moderation, this beverage can be a great way to stay alert during a long night of gaming. Most casinos will offer a wide range of vodka options to go with your red bull. If you've already had a few drinks earlier in the evening, this one is best sipped over the course of your final couple of hours of gaming to ensure that you keep a clear head.
3. A Screwdriver
The screwdriver is a classic cocktail that every casino will offer. A screwdriver contains a mix of orange juice and vodka, and most venues will feature a wide range of vodkas to choose from. However, a good screwdriver will barely taste like alcohol if at all. In order to keep a clear head, it's often best to have the server make the drink with a significant amount of orange juice along with a single shot of vodka. You can order your screwdriver with ice or without it. Also, some people prefer their screwdriver with a bit of club soda.
4. The Vesper
The Vesper is the only cocktail on this list that features a combination of spirits, and it contains a combination of vodka, gin, and cocchi americano. So, if you're going to pick this one, it's best to sip it over a significant period of time. If you've watched the movie Casino Royale with James Bond, you might remember that he said that the beverage helps him concentrate on the game. While this drink might not improve your hand at playing a real money website in Canada or whatever you happen to be playing, it certainly sends an impression of sophistication.
5. Order Straight Spirits Instead Of a Cocktail
Ordering straight spirits rather than a cocktail can be a great way to enjoy your drink of choice while keeping a clear head throughout the evening. Cocktails often go down a bit too well, which can lead to over-imbibing during your gaming session. Some great spirits to drink straight are bourbon, scotch, and vodka. However, most venues are likely to offer a wide range of drinks, which means that you'll be able to find something to suit your tastes. Straight spirits can be ordered on the rocks or neat.