Many belief systems share their own interpretations about Judgement. In both Christianity and Catholicism, Divine Judgment can be defined as a person’s destiny being determined by their life’s faults and accomplishments. Likewise, Buddhism can coincide with this interpretation under the guise of Karma.
Overall, Divine Judgement dictates a person to take responsibility for their actions; however, it can be easier said than done. Accepting the consequences for our mistakes can be intimidating, especially because we fear the stress and pain that it may bring us. However, contrary to belief, taking accountability can offer more advantages, both socially and spiritually, than they do challenges.
The Social Benefits
When a person takes accountability for their actions, they are more likely to forge healthier relationships. For example, according to a 2005 research study, children who were held accountable for their actions were better able to develop positive social interaction skills, than those who did the opposite.
Moreover, taking accountability can also benefit a person within the workplace environment. In this context, accountability can help build trust between teams and coworkers. Leaders who are held accountable are better preferred because their coworkers can trust their intentions and work ethic.
The Spiritual Benefits
On the other side of the conversation, taking accountability can also offer spiritual insight. In the Bible’s explanation of what is the day of the Lord, taking accountability begins by repenting from one’s sins. As a process, repentance shouldn’t be perceived as a punishment, but rather a blessing. Being able to acknowledge one’s mistakes is a fundamental step to cleansing oneself from one’s pride and ignorance and towards humility.
Taking accountability can teach one to become more mindful of their thoughts and actions. Buddhism dictates desire and ignorance lie at the root of human suffering; by being mindful of one’s negative impulses, their faults and errors, one is one step closer to weighing the scale of Divine Judgement in their favor.