I feel very anchored in Mama Earth. I am one with the earth and it’s abundance and the flow of giving and receiving. My body feels good, I experience great energy, stamina, love and peace. I overflow and desire to give from my overflowing. All the cells in my body communicate and work in appreciation of being in physical form and doing what they do best. They fully function, they have the space and the ability to live their completeness, thus, my psyche and my physiology are aligned.
When opportunities come my way in the form of obstacles, I soon recognize the obstacle as my teacher and friend, not my opponent. As uncomfortable as it may be, I let go of any sense that I am not worthy or unlovely and accept that I am on a path of ripeness. As I become ripe, or fit to serve, or good, growing pains will occur. I accept that I must be willing to soften and be pliable along the way.
I live whole heartedly in full presence of my surroundings, my feelings, of those that I come in contact with and those that are not in alignment with truth. When any of us are not in the truth of our being, we will feel disconnection from love. I see myself in them and love them where they are in this time and space. I see the beauty within each pair of eyes, all like me. We all carry layers of conditioning that clouds our understanding of supreme truth. This causes a fog and fog is uncomfortable. I am grateful that the fog lifts and I can see clearly and through those eyes, love is unconditional for myself and everyone else. I acknowledge that as I stay connected to the Divine source within me, the fog dissipates.
I don’t ask for others to conform to my beliefs, but I love them where they are and stand firm in what I know to be true, uncompromising. I live life grateful for every morsel that I experience, whether it is of sustenance, of comfort, of right relation, or opportunity. Everything in life can serve if it is allowed. Everything.
I welcome opportunities to expand beyond my current thougths, because connection with the Divine source within me lights me up with ideas and creation bubbles within me, waiting to be expressed. I acknowledge that my gifts include expressions of the written word and that these words flow and flow and flow. I acknowledge that I can move my body in mediative dance and teach others to do the same.
I am a conduit for expression of eternal truths that impart life, love, freedom and ultimately a peaceful fulfilling existence. I stand, sit, lie and walk in full completeness.

Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.