It's all change in the heavens this week as Mars, Venus and Mercury all relocate and Jupiter goes direct after tracking backwards for four months. However, with the Sun continuing its right angle to the illusive energies of Neptune, energy may still be at a premium. We also need to be mindful of people who make empty promises. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 29th May 2017 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your ruler Mars relocates at the start of this week bringing the more emotional and homely vibe to bear. This will last for the next six weeks and could see some changes in terms of where you live, how you live there and who with. Financially, things can really brighten and the speed of life will increase from midweek. Relationship glitches can also ease as Jupiter goes forwards.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Business and pleasure do not make for a great mix this week, so try to keep things on a more workaday level. Delightfully, your sex appeal can absolutely rocket, and this can see you giving yourself a glamorous new makeover. Someone with a rather mesmeric personality can act as a draw by the time of this week's Full Moon. But try to keep spending under tight control.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your ruler Mercury powers back into your sign this week, and this is going to give you added drive and a sense of certainty about ideas which have been spinning in the back of your mind. However, your love life could be more reflective. With the Sun in your sign still challenged by Neptune, care is needed around work links. But your creativity can power up by the week's end.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As Mars arrives in your sign for a six week occupation, this is going to give you a much-needed fillip. Your personal drive and energy can increase, but more so if you can remain resolutely focused on what's really possible. A draining link between the Sun and Neptune can be distracting. Clearing up loose ends, de-cluttering and letting go of old emotions can all help, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Group involvements and social activities can be boosted by the arrival of Mercury in Gemini, but Neptune is continuing to distort things, so look to steer clear of any situation which is bogged down with politics. The Full Moon this week is asking you to look to manage your time more effectively, and also prioritize the people who are really important to you. Don't stint from this.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your ambitions are given a major boost this week, but do be very clear about the impression that you're creating to anyone in a position of influence or authority. If you do give out mixed signals, the potential will be diminished. Fortunately, your financial sector is also given a boost, and a job offer could come within a business linked to support services, healing or care.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your appreciation of travel and widening your horizons is definitely going to be accentuated over the next few weeks. But also you can become much more conscious of any limitations or the need to defer your interests for the wider good which could prove to be rather frustrating. Whatever you're trying to achieve however, Mars is going to give you an awful lot more authority.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A diplomatic approach to all sorts of interactions can work wonders from here on in. If you're single, someone new and rather alluring can also enter your orbit. The more open you are to different people the more this is possible. Ironically, in an existing relationship there can be a sniff of possessiveness or jealousy which undermines things. The Full Moon can tease these issues into the open.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This is a very busy week for astrological changes, and three of them can be really important to you. First up, Mercury moves into a superb location and recent brittleness can make way for a more considered dialogue. With your ruler Jupiter going direct, and a Full Moon in your zodiac sign on the same day, the next two weeks can be key for a big relationship in your situation.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your physical vitality may still be on the low side. Mars moving into your opposite sector can be good for engaging with others in a more proactive way, and Venus gives you an added slice of charm and glamour midweek. But look to narrow your focus where possible, and resolve any outstanding issues. Conserving your energy will be important for the next few weeks, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Something or someone could prove to be particularly appealing this week, and you may find yourself rather tempted. It's also possible that you can get cracking on some important home improvements, be these decorative or more structural. A lot of people are going to be competing for your attention, and your unique take on life is likely to be very much in vogue.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your popularity power is given a wonderful boost as both Mars and Venus relocate into helpful sectors for you. What you say and how you present yourself can be just as important as your appearance itself, and you can draw plenty of admiring glances. Mind, someone closer to home may be less impressed by some of your ideas and seem a little bit negative towards you.

Our Astrologer Patrick Arundell has been a professional Astrologer since 1998. Patrick has a real passion for astrology and sees it as a tool which can help any person to gain greater personal awareness, to better guide their life moves. Patrick is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and his work appears on websites and in magazines and newspapers, globally. You can enjoy Patrick's forecasts every week on CLN. To learn more about his astrological, tarot and psychic services, please visit his website or get yourself a FREE 12 Month Personal Horoscope @