Life does not go as smoothly when we feel disconnected from our creator. God wants to be a constant presence in your life, but sometimes life can get busy as the creator of the Chosen, Dallas Jenkins understands. There are many distractions and emotions that could be playing a huge role in why you are feeling disconnected from Him. Reconnecting with God is important because it can help you tap back into your spiritual being. You will be able to easily identify areas that you can work on to be a better person. Here are some ways to reconnect with God.
Spend Quiet Time With God
God enjoys it when we spend quality time with Him. It does not matter if you spend time with him in the morning before you get your started or at night before you close your eyes for bed. As long as you are making time for God during your day, you will feel his presence more and more. Taking a break from our chaotic lives is a great practice to have anyway. When life becomes too much, knowing that you have a mental place you can turn to for comfort and solace is a great feeling. It can help you conquer some of life’s biggest challenges.
Come Clean
That is not to say that you need to confess your sins to God before you decide to spend time with Him. Just be honest with Him about how you are feeling and where you are in life. Do not hide anything from him. Of course, there are areas you missed the mark, or you could have done better, but God still loves you. He still cares about you and He still wants to use you in His perfect will, despite those areas you need to work on. That does not give you a free pass to never work on yourself. Hopefully, this knowledge will help take some of the pressure off.
Switch Up Your Perspective
It is so easy to look at your life through your own lenses. After all, it is your life. When trying to better connect with God, instead try to look at your life through His eyes. This vantage point allows us to see a bird’s eye view on our life’s situations. Switching up your perspective will help you reconnect with your purpose, which will ultimately reconnect you with the one that gave you your purpose.
Praise And Worship
Giving God all your praise and worship opens up the channels for Him to move in your life. Allow God to do that. Sing a song of praise, if that is the way you worship Him. If you praise God by working on your God-given gift, do that. Do whatever it takes to show God that you are recognizing the truth of who He is. A good praise and worship session is good for fighting back all those doubting feelings of disconnect. Rekindling your relationship with God is as simple as opening your heart, mind and mouth for a song of thanksgiving.