By Debra Infante
July is a transformative month as Venus goes retrograde on July 22, 2023 for six weeks, a time to review relationships and find our truest values in life. We are letting go of old patterns with love and money, in order to know ourselves more deeply. Mars transits the sign of Leo and opposes Saturn in Aquarius, which brings lessons of strength, neutrality, and stamina. We may also experience a few delays and frustrations along the way.
At the end of June, Mars, planet of action and energy, finally left Cancer, its sign of debility, and now begins its transit through the more powerful fire sign of Leo from June 31 to August 18, 2023. Mars in Leo is self-confident, action-oriented, and sometimes dramatic. Mars in Leo will be influenced by the opposition of Saturn in Aquarius, which tempers impatient Mars. The Saturn/Mars aspect can generate a push/pull energy, so at times you move forward, and then later may experience a temporary setback. The exact Saturn/Mars opposition occurs at 12 degrees Aquarius/Leo on July 20 and 21.
Mars in Leo brings courage, enthusiasm, and strength, and along with Saturn’s sense of self-discipline, awareness, and responsibility, helps us to focus on our authentic goals in life with great purpose. Remember that the highest expression of Saturn is to help create balance and equanimity in our lives in a neutral, peaceful way. Saturn is also retrograde now until September 3, 2023, a time to uncover and appreciate your hidden strengths. Don’t be too critical of yourself during this period. Let go of old energies that have become a burden, while building a new, more genuine foundation in your life.
On July 22, 2023, Venus, planet of love, relationship, and finance, goes retrograde until September 3, 2023, a major astrological event. Venus begins its retrograde period at 4 degrees Leo, but will eventually move back into the sign of Cancer on August 6. Venus is retrograde every 18 months, so only occurs every other year. When a planet is retrograde, it is common for issues from the past to resurface for review and completion. As Venus rules relationships, old patterns and unfinished business about love may surface for greater understanding and letting go. This can be a time to heal old wounds and move forward. We realize how valuable it is to have genuine and heartfelt connections with family and friends.
Venus retrograde periods are also times to focus on self-love and inner happiness, and not look outside of self for validation. Work on any personal insecurities or self-esteem issues that may be influencing your relationships. Treat yourself and others with kindness, compassion, and generosity, while building stronger connections built on trust.
Venus also rules finances, so this is a transit that can help us uncover our authentic values in life. Revising your budget and spending habits is possible at this time. Venus also rules the arts, creativity, and nature, so participating in any type of artistic pursuit is favorable and is a great remedy. Our crucial partnership with the natural world is also a big focus now, so the emphasis is on developing innovative and creative ways to work in greater harmony and appreciation with our environment and Mother Nature.
Debra Infante is a practicing Vedic astrologer and teacher. She began her studies of Vedic astrology in 1995, and was certified by The American College of Vedic Astrology as an approved teacher (Level I) in September 1999. She has taught Vedic astrology to the students in the yoga teacher trainings at 7 Centers Yoga in Sedona, AZ from 2002 to 2020. Debra can be reached at (928) 639-0623 or for astrological consultations by phone or in person. Contact her to receive her monthly Vedic astrology article. You can also find her at