The most impactful astrological event in April is the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 at 25 degrees Pisces, that brings a focus on moksha or spiritual enlightenment. Venus transits its exalted sign of Pisces through April 24, 2024, which is helpful. Mercury goes retrograde from April 1 to 25, 2024, so be discerning with communications. Mars and Saturn exactly conjunct in Aquarius on April 10, 2024, a time to be responsible for our actions.
Venus, planet of love, art, and healing transits Pisces, its sign of exaltation, from March 31, 2024 to April 24, 2024. In general, this is a great transit for artistic ventures and creativity, as well as a wonderful time to express compassion and gentleness in all your relationships. Be willing to help others, and let others help you. Do activities that are heart-centered and that inspire you. We now have an opportunity to express the highest forms of Venus – which brings a devotional, highly spiritual quality to our lives. Venus in Pisces can uplift us as we move through the challenging events this month.
On April 1, 2024, Mercury, planet of communications and the intellect, goes retrograde at 3 degrees Aries, and remains retrograde until April 25, 2024. Eventually Mercury will retrograde back into Pisces, its sign of debility on April 9, and so Mercury is connected to the April 8 total solar eclipse. Also, from April 8 to 10, Mercury moves from 0 Aries to 29 Pisces, the gandanta degrees (transiting fire to water sign), which adds another element of intensity, so communications must be extra clear, accurate, and timely. Pay attention to details, and no quick assumptions. Watch for indecisiveness or increased emotion guiding your decision-making. This transit challenges us to truly listen, be diplomatic, and flexible as we communicate and relate with others.
The much-anticipated total solar eclipse occurs on April 8, 2024 at 11:21 AM PDT, at 25 degrees Pisces, a highly sensitive and mystical sign, and will be visible in Mexico, Central and North America, and parts of Canada. This eclipse is in Revati nakshatra, the very last of the 27 nakshatras, indicating a completion or ending, along with a possible spiritual rebirth or a new vision of our world. The aim of Revati nakshatra is moksha or liberation, so self-realization and service to humanity are positive outcomes.
Revati is also a prosperous and nurturing nakshatra, so this eclipse helps us to re-define what “true wealth” really is in our lives. We want to give energy to our authentic values, and focus on life-affirming and harmonious activities. On a personal level, as this eclipse occurs in the healing water sign of Pisces, the desire for deep transformation may revolve around long-held, self-sabotaging emotions, thoughts, and feelings from the past, that now rise to be cleared and transmuted.
Eclipses are major astrological events designed to reveal what is hidden, bringing light and deeper understandings to the planet. Eclipses have a spiritual connotation, awakening us to our greater potential. They are points of change, and may offer us insights into our own evolution, healing, or perspective. Material or mundane activities should be avoided, if possible, around eclipses. The effects of eclipses can last for months. In Vedic culture on the day of an eclipse it’s good to perform one’s spiritual practice or sadhana, such as meditation, prayer, or mantra recitation. Being in a peaceful, healing environment is also recommended.
Mars recently moved into the sign of Aquarius on March 15, 2024, where it joined Saturn there. Mars and Saturn will exactly conjunct on April 10, 2024 at 20 degrees Aquarius, just a few days after the solar eclipse. The Saturn/Mars combination bring lessons of responsibility, restraint, and maturity. Saturn can restrict or delay the assertive energies of Mars, a planet that does not like being held back. So especially around the eclipse watch for an increase in frustrations and making impulsive decisions that you later regret. Refusing to shift one’s views out of fear or anxiety is also possible.
On the positive side, uses the responsible and disciplined energies of Saturn to hold back impulsive and hot-headed Mars, and together with strong will, patience, and pure intention rise above these “barriers” with greater understanding and vision. We need healthy outlets for this build-up of Saturn/Mars energies. Raise your vibration through meditation, forgiveness, or mindfulness practices, and be with uplifting people.
The most impactful astrological event in April 2024 is the total solar eclipse on April 8th at 25 degrees Pisces, which brings a focus on spiritual enlightenment and transformation. Venus transits its exalted sign of Pisces throughout the month, supporting creativity and relationships, while Mercury's retrograde period from April 1-25 requires extra care in communications.
Debra Infante is a practicing Vedic astrologer and teacher. She began her studies of Vedic astrology in 1995 and was certified by The American College of Vedic Astrology as an approved teacher (Level I) in September 1999. She has taught Vedic astrology to the students in the yoga teacher training at 7 Centers Yoga in Sedona, AZ from 2002 to 2020. Debra can be reached at (928) 639-0623 or for astrological consultations by phone or in person. Contact her to receive her monthly Vedic astrology article. You can also find her at