By Debra Infante
April is a big month of revelation and change due to the beginning of the spring eclipse season on April 19, followed by Jupiter starting a year-long transit through a new sign on April 21. But first on April 5, 2023, Venus, planet of relationships, begins its favorable transit through its own sign of Taurus. Mid-month the Sun makes its yearly transit through its exalted sign of Aries on April 14, 2023. Then on April 19, 2023, a powerful solar eclipse occurs in the fiery sign of Aries. A few days later two astrological events happen on April 21, 2023, when Jupiter, the great benefic, moves to the sign of Aries, and Mercury, planet of communications, turns retrograde for three weeks.
Venus, planet of love, relationships, diplomacy, and finance, enters the fixed earth sign of Taurus from April 5 until May 2, 2023. Venus is naturally very content, calm, and gentle in its own sign, which can soothe the sense of instability or loneliness many are experiencing. We enjoy being in supportive environments with close family and friends. In love relationships we want loyalty and commitment. Venus transiting the earth sign of Taurus likes gardening or spending time in nature. This is a positive transit for artistic, musical, or healing endeavors.
The Sun begins its annual transit through its exalted sign of Aries from April 14 until May 14, 2023. The Sun represents our connection to our true, innermost essence, so this is a time to realize and express our deepest nature, possibly through meditation or self-inquiry. The Sun rules the eastern direction, which brings the sense of new beginnings or possibilities we feel during this time of year. The Sun is a pitta planet and transiting the fiery, cardinal sign of Aries, so be aware of becoming impatient, too willful, or overly stimulated, and calmly release any surfacing frustrations.
A significant astrological shift occurs on April 21, 2023 when Jupiter begins its transit through the cardinal sign of Aries until May 1, 2024. Previously Jupiter has been in its own sign of Pisces since April 14, 2022. In general Jupiter stays in a sign a little over a year, so when Jupiter shifts signs, it is significant. In addition, Jupiter will transit the gandanta degrees of 29 Pisces and 0 degrees Aries from April 17 to April 26 as it shifts signs, and it will trine the other gandanta degrees in the zodiac. During this period its positive to release old, ancient patterns that prevent us from moving forward, for greater soul growth. Jupiter issues that can surface to heal and forgive could revolve around finances, our true values, fairness in the world, and spirituality.
Jupiter transiting Aries carries an increased need to feel free, to be our true ourselves, and act independently. This transit also brings a love of freedom and adventure. This is a great time to begin self-improvement goals, new healing therapies, or start an exercise regime. A new view of our spiritual self and redefining our authentic values is indicated. Jupiter in the cardinal fire sign of Aries can amplify the positive qualities of enthusiasm, confidence, inspiration, and courage. We value new innovations and a more direct and straight-forward approach to life. Jupiter in Mars-ruled Aries can also be opinionated and identifies strongly with their own personal beliefs, so watch for insensitivity and not considering a different point of view. We can be impatient and not learn from past mistakes.
Jupiter in Aries will be traveling with the north node Rahu in Aries until late November 2023, and Jupiter will also be aspected by Saturn in Aquarius the entire period it is in Aries, so these aspects will influence and temper the expression of Jupiter.
Mercury, planet of communications and education, goes retrograde at 21 degrees Aries on April 21 until May 14, 2023. In general, retrograde energies are expressed more internally. Mercury retrograde is a good time for reviewing things, organizing your office, and revisiting areas of your life that need to be changed. This is a time to release old habits and patterns that no longer serve us. Think before you speak as you may be misunderstood. It is best to start new ventures after it goes direct. This is a positive time for meditation, contemplation, and study.
April marks the start of the spring eclipse season with a solar eclipse at 5 degrees Aries on April 19, 2023, at 9:12 PM (PDT) in the nakshatra of Ashwini. This eclipse will be followed by a lunar eclipse next month on May 5, 2023 at 20 degrees Libra. The April 19 solar eclipse in Aries in Ashwini nakshatra brings a focus on healthcare, rejuvenation, and even agricultural or environmental concerns. The deities connected to this nakshatra are the Ashwini Kumaras, the Divine Physicians, which bring an emphasis on healing modalities, especially alternative and natural remedies to improve one’s health. Ashwini nakshatra is also about listening, so this is an especially important period to be introspect and pay attention to your inner voice, as well as being open to what others are saying to you.
Eclipses have a spiritual connotation and can awaken us to our greater potential. They are points of change and offer us insights into our own evolution. During eclipses, things unknown to us can be brought into the light, giving us greater insight. If any challenges or delays surface around the eclipses, a positive remedy is to be generous and focus on others. In Vedic culture, eclipses are not considered good times for material activities, but instead a period to do inner work. Consider activities that stabilize the mind such as meditation, yoga, mantra, or prayer in a peaceful, natural environment.
Debra Infante is a practicing Vedic astrologer and teacher. She began her studies of Vedic astrology in 1995, and was certified by The American College of Vedic Astrology as an approved teacher (Level I) in September 1999. She has taught Vedic astrology to the students in the yoga teacher trainings at 7 Centers Yoga in Sedona, AZ from 2002 to 2020. Debra can be reached at (928) 639-0623 or for astrological consultations by phone or in person. Contact her to receive her monthly Vedic astrology article. You can also find her at