Why do some people flourish and others diminish during difficult times?
The answer is in the word difficult. How you perceive the environment around you has everything to do with how you deal with uncomfortable, trying times.
When you embrace the idea that everything is energy and that you are part of the field, then you can begin to break free of notions that control you. As an energetic being, you have the ability to raise your energetic frequency. When your frequency raises, so does your self-worth, your inner peace, contentment, thus your overall healthy view of living increases.
How does one recognize and receive an upgrade in energy?
There are many ways, yet some are more powerful and thus offer a fast track to increase one's quality of life.
Two powerful tools are these:
1. Objectivity. Release the hold that people, places and things have over you.
2. Love. Restore your original birthright of harmony and purity.
Begin by…
realizing the electric frequency of your heart is greater than your brain. Know there is a super highway that runs between the two and when you trust your heart to lead your brain, freedom is soon to follow. One of the most powerful prisons in existence, is in our mind. By limiting our experiences, this prison keeps us small and powerless.
The first step to freedom is recognizing you are a prisoner. How? Ask yourself, do you feel trapped or ineffective? Do feel a deep loss, of yourself or home? These are signs of imprisonment.
Our difficult days are actually a war zone for control over our hearts and minds. We may not physically hear bombs or see trains carrying prisoners, however they exist in a very subtle form. So subtle that one gets trapped before they realize the snare is before them. Those that walk, while practicing self-development are less likely to fall victim, the snares seldom capture the very self aware individual.
It’s not too late
…to free your mind and be liberated. Know this: You have within the most powerful force available. It is your heart. Written into your DNA is a code for truth. This code equals peace, contentment and unconditional love for self and others. Believe this. Trust this. Know this. Allow your heart to retrain your brain. As this occurs the programs that try to run your life fall away. It really is this simple, all that is needed is a willingness to develop what is already within you. There is nothing to fear, your heart is pure.
Please know, I can only write of my own experience of self-development, wholeness, healing. I live healthy and free.
there are those that teach scientific methods that can be followed for achieving health and freedom. Kelly Brogan, MD is such a soul. She has a busy practice that can reach only a certain amount of people, however her books are effective. By teaching one how to be powerful and how to rediscover your self. Also, by developing your own ability to trust your heart, your intuition and be free (as well as healthy). A Mind Of Your Own was written to women about overcoming depression (all can benefit). Own Your Self, is a manual of freedom. If you are ready for a teacher, she has arrived. She is not mainstream, so be aware and expect results.
Do you know this?
The ultimate purpose of life is to know itself as love. Own Your Truth!
I implore you, uncover your heart, let it lead you home to peace and freedom.
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, daughter, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.