CLN Editor Note: This important event is starting quite early in the U.S.: 9:30am EST / 6:30 am PDT. So set your alarm clock so that you don't miss it! Also, in addition to the two events detailed below, you can also participate in Earth Day activities pretty much all day via the website.
For Earth Day 2020, Parmarth Niketan, UPLIFT and the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance are bringing together Faith Leaders from all over the world to unite with one vision of how humanity can move forward from this crisis into a period of healing and harmony with ourselves and Mother Nature. How can we create a world where both the Earth and humanity can be healthy? What seeds of love, unity and oneness do we need to be planting and nourishing during this time for the garden of the ‘new normal’ to grow? How are we going to co-create a new way of living?
JOIN Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Rabbi David Rosen, Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singhji, Maulana Mahmood Madaniji, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Sue Coates, Dr. Vandana Shivaji, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji, Dr. Azza Karam, Rev. Victor Kazanjian, Audrey Kitagawa, Iyad Abumoghli, Andrew Harvey, Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, Father Paul Moonjely, Deva Premal & Miten.
Wednesday 22nd April
7–9pm IST
2.30–4.30pm BST
9.30–11.30am EST
6.30–8.30am PDT
WATCH LIVE on Parmarth Niketan’s YouTube channel:
Appreciating Our Earth Special Care Focus
Let’s celebrate Earth Day with a genuine commitment to continue the wave of love, compassion and cooperation we are experiencing at this time – for Earth, nature and each other.
In order for everyone around the world to participate in a synchronized Care Focus, on Wednesday, April 22nd the good folks at HeartMath have chosen three convenient times:
- 4 a.m. Pacific Time
- 12 p.m. (noon) Pacific Time, and
- 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours)*.
Please join with thousands of others around the globe via ONE of the following:
- Global Care Room (online)
- Global Coherence App(mobile phone)
Wednesday, April 22nd is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Over the past half century there have been positive environmental milestones to celebrate, yet the disruptive effects of global climate change are on the increase. Rising sea levels, animals becoming extinct, loss of rain forests, environmental pollution, and more severe weather events are of great concern. Nations haven’t been able to address these challenges for humanity and for Earth.
During this time period, the “shelter at home” mandates throughout the world are causing many of us to pause and reconsider our priorities, including our respect for Earth and nature. People living in Northern India can now see the Himalayas 100 miles away for the first time in ’decades,’ as the lockdown eases air pollution.
Researchers have discovered that a resonant frequency from the Earth’s magnetic field vibrates at 0.1 HZ – the same frequency as our heart rhythm when we’re in a heart coherent state.
Increased love, kindness and cooperation with each other will do much to bridge our coherent alignment with Earth and nature. Increasing our love raises our vibration, which increases our harmonious interaction with Earth and each other, day-to-day.
Earth and nature are waiting for us to wake up to the realization that collective harmonious interaction is the solution to our environmental challenges, while providing us with alarm clock service.
Nature’s forewarnings for a change in our behavior patterns are getting increasingly bold and obviously disruptive. It feels good and appropriate to increase our love and care for each other during high‑stress crises, such as hurricanes, earthquakes or the coronavirus pandemic. Now it’s time to ask ourselves why wouldn’t we care and connect this way when high stress isn’t driving it? The effectiveness of love and cooperation is especially needed when there isn’t a crisis. This is the missing piece and the reason peace is missing on Earth.
Many people sense that humanity is coming into the collective heart power to create a more harmonious relationship with nature, but first we need to practice more heart‑centered care for each other.
During this present time of the pandemic, it would be hard to prove that there isn’t more love, care and compassion in the world theater all at one time than ever before. It would be sad if we didn’t take advantage of this moment and strive to continue it. It’s who we are at the core.
To love, care and cooperate with each other is advanced economic living. It would provide the baseline for the next-level intelligent awareness that humanity is evolving into: Heart Intelligence.
The coronavirus is serving as a good jump start for raising the baseline of our love and compassion. To sustain it will take more of us committing to bring love, compassion and kindness to the street in our day-to-day lives as we move forward.
Let’s celebrate Earth Day with a genuine commitment to continue this wave of love, compassion and cooperation we are experiencing at this time – for each other, Earth and nature.
Care Focus: Appreciating Our Earth |
* We will do a special care focus every Wednesday until the Coronavirus pandemic subsides.
*(The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.)