More and more often you forget the names of colleagues and the birthdays of loved ones, and mental work is unthinkable without a couple of cups of coffee? The huge flow of information and the modern pace of life do not in the best way affect our mental activity and clarity of mind. Lack of attention, problems with memory, lack of interest in work – these are clear signs of a decrease in brain performance. How to help the brain work more productively and not overwork? We present 3 steps tested by experience and science!
Step 1. Make Your Brain Work
It is scientifically proven that the more we train the brain, the better it works. That is why the brain is often compared with muscles: the more quality workouts, the better. Daily mental stress improves neural connections in the brain, improves memory and concentration. Perform special exercises for the development of memory: daily learn 10-12 new words in your favorite foreign language; solve crosswords and solve puzzles.
And if you don’t like these practices, then memorize your favorite poetry or songs. Another interesting way that develops thinking is board games. Here you are smart; you build tactics and communication skills. The modern market offers a huge selection of board games that are suitable for a great pastime with friends. Also, use the capabilities of your brain in everyday life: remember phone numbers and a list of products, count without a calculator.
Step 2. Food for the Mind: What Would You Eat?
With sedentary work, this is the right way to overweight: in fact, in simple carbohydrates, there are almost no “useful” calories, they are quickly absorbed and converted into fat. Therefore, it is better to use products that contain natural starch, glucose, vitamins: sweet fruits, honey, dried fruits, nuts, baked potatoes, legumes, rice, black bread, and fatty fish. Such food will be absorbed more slowly, and the brain will have enough energy for several hours.
For concentration, good memory and quick thinking, the modern iv vitamin therapy NYC (https://advancedcryonyc.com/health-and-wellness-contact-us/) clinic offers to undergo a course of wellness treatments with the help of the cognitive intravenous vitamin cocktail. The dropper contains useful nutrients of natural origin – vitamins and minerals that improve the cognitive function of the brain. After the first procedure, stress resistance and concentration increase, memory and mood improve.
Step 3. Relax and Explore Your Inner World
Work without rest and healthy sleep always leads to loss of working capacity, therefore, proper rest and sleep are very important for the thought process and health in general. Small breaks between work also help to improve working capacity, especially a light conversation with colleagues over a cup of coffee or tea.
Dear readers, enhance your mental and cognitive abilities with the help of good habits, healthy food, and pleasant communication. Read interesting books, learn languages and favorite poetry, and be inspired by the beauty of nature. And be always healthy and effective!