Joint Entrance Examination commonly referred to as JEE is an All India Entrance examination conducted by NTA (National testing Agency) for admission to various technical courses across the country.
It is a 300 mark computer-based test with a duration of 3 hours. It has 3 sections – Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Each section will carry a score of 100 marks and will have 25 questions each. The marking scheme will have 4 marks for every right answer and a negative one for wrong answers. For numerical value answers, it will be 4 marks for right answers and no negative marking. The syllabus is basically from the 11th and 12th standard syllabus of mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Students devote a lot of time to preparing for JEE and start preparation from high school onwards at times.
Preparing for an exam like the JEE Main requires a lot of dedication, perseverance, and also a proper strategy. JEE Main is unquestionably one of the most difficult engineering entrance tests, and students must have a study strategy in place to succeed.
The first step is to form a suitable timetable and complete all the topics covered in classes 11 and 12. Revision can be started while preparing other portions. While the student is in class 12, along with studying the class 12 syllabus make sure to revise the portions studied in class 11. Revision is an ongoing process; the more times the topics are revised, the more are the chances that they can be easily remembered. Make sure to always stick to the timetable.
While preparing make sure to make notes – write all the important formulae/ concepts/ pointers together. The notes can be in any way that is convenient and easily understandable. These notes will be very useful during revision.
Revision is as important as preparation. So once all the preliminary preparation is done, set up a new timetable for revision.
The weightage for each topic should be noted and more importance should be given to topics with more weightage. And those topics should be given more time in the timetable.
For eg: In mathematics, topics like coordinate geometry, limit, continuity, and differentiability, and integral calculus, etc have more weightage. And in Physics, electronic devices and optics will gain more marks. When it comes to chemistry topics like equilibrium, solutions, etc will have more weightage. In the same manner, check the weightage for all the topics and prepare the timetable accordingly.
Conceptual clarity is of utmost importance. The paper aims at checking the clarity the student has about the various topics. Hence make sure to revise all the important topics and make sure to have deep knowledge on those.
While revising, first start with the most important chapters (check the weightage as mentioned above) and then move on to the difficult chapters. Once all this is complete then do another revision of the whole syllabus.
Try to revise all the concepts at the earliest and start practicing maximum questions. Practicing questions gives a better knowledge of how to face the questions. Even while practicing questions make sure to revise concepts- this is where the self-prepared notes come in handy.
Subject-Wise revision tips
Physics :
Physics is basically about knowing the concept well and logically solving problems. Go through all the topics and concepts using the self-prepared notes. Practice the formulae and problems and also practice the derivations. Go through all the problems step by step and solve the most difficult ones.
Mainly students find chemistry to be difficult and try to postpone it as much as possible as a lot needs to be memorized. Again, conceptual clarity is very important. Understand the concept and practice the equations – maybe try writing it a few times. A notebook with all the equations should have been prepared in advance so that last-minute revisions get easy. Try to solve the most difficult questions rather than just looking through the simple ones.
Preparing for mathematics can get exhausting at times as the number and type of questions in each topic are never-ending and students have to be clear with all types of questions. Understand all the concepts and try to memorize most of the formulae. Try to solve a few questions of different types every day.
As important as practicing maximum questions is time-constricted practice sessions. The whole point is to solve maximum questions within the time frame. The JEE mains will have questions of varying difficulty levels and all these need to be completed in those 3 hours. Hence it becomes crucial to solve the questions with the same time constraints and pressure. Try to solve as many questions as possible from each topic.
In today’s age, there isn't anything that can't be found online. Browse several websites that provide content and study materials online. Look up chapter-by-chapter PDFs for all sections, as well as video tutorial sessions, and so on. These will aid in the enhancement of knowledge on the concepts and help in attaining a better score.
It is very essential to take 3 hours out and attempt the whole paper together. This will help in planning out the strategy to attempt the questions and the time to be allotted for each section. Try to make solving mock tests a regular affair. This will also help in providing an idea on the pattern, marking scheme, how to reduce negative marking, and managing time along with attempting the exam stress-free. Various mock tests are also provided on the website of the National Testing Agency. Also make sure to attempt the maximum number of previous year question papers available, starting from the JEE Mains 2020 Question Paper. Previous years’ questions help the students get acquainted with the exact pattern of questions and difficulty level followed.
And the most important secret ingredient to acing the exam is being confident and having a positive attitude. Prepare well, study hard and then relax and be confident. All those days of struggle will definitely pay off.