‘What if we are getting a chance to be in love with everyone and everything around us? What if we are being invited to ‘level up' to communicating unconditional love?
“Wherever you are,
and whatever you do,
be in love.”
Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved Valentines Day. Mostly, I loved the idea of a day to celebrate love—not just romantic love, but feelings of connection and caring that we can have for everyone in our lives. When I was in grade school, I loved the idea of giving Valentine cards to all the students in my class—since I felt this was a wonderful opportunity for each person to feel loved and appreciated. This holiday seemed very special to me, since it Valentine givers had such a rare opportunity to show love and appreciation that was socially condoned and encouraged. We usually got Valentines Day cupcakes and treats, but for me the high point of the day was receiving Valentine cards from all the students. Every Valentines Day, my teacher would ask all of the students in my class to bring Valentine cards to deliver to every student in the class, and gave us time to deliver our Valentines to each student's Valentine envelope in their mail slot. Most of us handed out tiny little Valentine cards, that our parents purchased for us that typically featured cartoon images, and playful quips and puns. There was not room to write much more on these tiny cards than our names, and sometimes young students forgot to do that important step, leaving recipients wondering who that card came from.
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While it might seem uneventful or not tremendously meaningful to receive a card from each and every student, I remember feeling a sense of wonder and even surprise to see Valentine cards in my envelope from some children I was too shy to talk with, or who I didn't know very well. This simple exercise invigorated me every year, even long after I knew I'd likely be feeling surprised (again!) to receive Valentine cards from everyone in my class. I loved receiving so many colorful Valentines, and felt in those moments better than if I'd won a prize or contest. Experiencing such loving connection with all the students in the class felt wonderful, and I treasured those moments as some of the very best.
According to some historical records, by the middle of the 18th century, it was common for friends and lovers to exchange small tokens of affection. Valentines can be sent to everyone, and this holiday provides us with a lovely occasion to be kind and loving in all our relationships. I hope and wish that maybe at some point, everyone in the world—including adults—would feel inspired to share words, thoughts, and emotions of kindness with everyone else. This would be quite an auspicious moment. It would feel ‘almost like being in love,' to quote lyrics from the song by that same name in the movie, Brigadoon. And of course we'll want to ask—and experience the answer to—how good can it get when we are in love? By asking this question, we might be blessed to discover what this can feel like, being experienced by people all around the world:
Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves,
the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God
the energies of love,
and then, for a second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire.
—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
What if everything happening in the world right now is giving us a chance to be in love with ourselves and everyone and everything around us? What if we are being invited in these somewhat chaotic, challenging times to ‘level up' to better expressing and communicating pure, unconditional love? How good can it get when we learn to share our dreams, without fear? How good can it get when we learn to be courageously vulnerable emotionally? Humanity now has opportunities to share love, compassion, kindness and respect with everyone—even those we don't see eye-to-eye with.
You can discover and rediscover some truly amazing reality shifts over the past twenty plus years of reporting them in RealityShifters, and any time you'd like to remind yourself of some of the remarkable changes we've witnessed, I welcome you to browse through a few issues, and fall in love with the wonder and magic of life.
You can read the entire RealityShifters February 2022 ezine issue that this article came from at: