Source: Inspired
David Icke gives a super inspirational speech about us all realizing who we are and why we are the ones in power – not the so-called elites.
You know, when you look at a pyramid, we've been manipulated to believe the power in a pyramid is at the top. In ain't. The top of the pyramid is there because the rest of the pyramids holding it up. We're holding this whole thing together. There's a story I told many years ago of a British comedian called, Larry Grayson, who died. And I went to his memorial service in Covent Garden and this other comedian did this tribute to his life, in which he read out this story. That Larry Grayson had told him.
When they were going around the variety halls in the theaters in the 60s, they had this all-male show. And Larry Grayson was the only woman in it because he's dressed up as a woman. And he said that at the end of the show, the last scene, all the sailors, all the men came on dressed as sailors and they were singing “Rule Britannia.” You know, Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves. Oh, I'm very pleased for you. OK… And as it built up Larry Grayson would come on dressed as Britannia with a helmet and a shield. And he would be manhandled up the side of this pyramid to the top for the big finish.
And he said one night, he said things seem to be going rather well. He said and then I noticed that a sailor in the bottom left-hand corner had got rather a cough. And this cough got worse and worse and worse to the point where the sailor couldn't stay in a pyramid anymore and stepped out of it.
Larry, Grayson, symbolic of this elite at the peak of the pyramid, ended up in the second row. And the elites, the power center, had done nothing to bring about this. One sailor at the bottom of the pyramid had got a cough. And the whole thing collapsed. That's it.
We the “powerless people” are holding the powerful people up there and they know that. They're terrified of us realizing that. And that's why this network of manipulation works so hard to keep us in these states. No longer will we just do it because we're told to do it. Is it just? Is it right? Okay, I'll do it. Is it unjust? Is it not right? I ain't doing it.
WE start to make the decisions on what we will and will not do based on our values, and not some imposition from the dark suits. These people are gonna give me, grant me, or grant me not my freedom?
I'm all that is. You can't grant me freedom. No one can grant me freedom. I AM freedom. It's what I am.
The big question: What would Consciousness do? What would Consciousness do in this situation?
And when we ask that question, it really just changes the way we see the world. Not, what would I do – mind – oh I'm frightened. What would Consciousness do?
You know this is a great line: If it's not right, don't do it. If it's not true, don't say it.
And what would transform this World overnight is if we started doing what we knew to be right in the situations we face, instead of what we think is right for us in the moment. What is right? What is just in this situation? If we started making decisions, based on that, the world would be transformed overnight.
These are very simple things. If we want a world of peace, then we need to be peaceful. We don't need to fight for it. We just need to be peaceful and will bring that about. If we want a world of kindness, we need to be kind and then it will naturally unfold. We don't fight for kindness.
As Martin Luther, King said, it's a wonderful saying: “Cowardice asks the question, is it safe? Expediency asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? But conscience, consciousness ask the question, IS IT RIGHT?”
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is right. And when enough of us do that, what is right will manifest by definition. And we're in this position now where this vibrational change, this energetic change, is taking place when we can start becoming the full magnitude of who we are, where we can be Consciousness in the now, using the mind to experience this reality instead of being governed by it, turning the key to let Consciousness in.
We're being offered this opportunity now. No longer can we say we didn't realize who we are. We didn't know we could do that. And that's what we're being offered the chance to do now, to turn the master key, called becoming conscious, that will bring an end to this. It's being given to us. We just need to take it. And to take it, we need to say: ENOUGH! Enough of being enslaved by these people. Enough of being enslaved by our manipulated ignorance. Enough of being enslaved by the fear of being who we are.
It is time to fly. It is time to fly.