I, like many other crystal junkies, am the proud owner of hundreds of different varieties of crystals. They are all special to me and yes, I do use them all – for healing, protection, abundance, enhancing my intuition or simply for relaxing and meditating. After working with crystals for over 30 years, I have found that there are 7 basic crystals that pretty much cover all of your needs. These 7 crystals are also easy to attain and are very affordable which make them even more appealing to the metaphysically curious person.
The 7 Basic Crystals
- Clear Quartz – This crystal does it all! It enhances, restores, and regulates energy. It helps activate your psychic abilities, amplifies the energy of other crystals, stimulates the immune system, and aligns the chakras. I use clear quartz to energize my other crystals and to give my own energy a boost when I feel a little tired. I also keep a clear quartz in my car to improve my gas mileage.
- Amethyst – Another crystal that has many useful properties. I use amethyst to help me relax, sleep, meditate, open my crown chakra, overcome unhealthy habits such as eating too much sugary foods or drinking too much caffeine. Amethyst is great for breaking unhealthy addictions, brings in peace and balance, not only is it a psychic protection stone but it also protects the user from thieves and it protects travelers.
- Rose Quartz – Rose quartz is often used for healing emotional trauma and wounding. It has a gentle and loving energy that helps the user connect with unconditional love for self as well as others. Rose quartz been used in ancient times for physical beautification working on the inner and outer aspects of feeling beautiful. Putting rose quartz by your bedside provides a peaceful and restful sleeping environment. A large piece in your workspace keeps away gossip.
- Selenite – Selenite connects you with the angelic realm while clearing and cleansing your mind, body and spirit. Selenite brings in mental clarity and helps with decision making. I use selenite in my healing sessions to remove energy blocks in the physical and etheric bodies. I often use a selenite blade to comb the auric field. It clears and seals the aura. Selenite connects you with the energy of the moon. I love using selenite during the full and new moon to help enhance my intention with the moon's energy.
- Black Tourmaline – I have black tourmaline strategically placed in the four corners of my home and businesses and by the front door to absorb any stress or negativity from entering into these places. I also use black tourmaline to keep me grounded in my meditations so that I remember my meditation experiences. It guards against the influences of overly emotional and toxic people so that you do not take on their energy empathically. Black tourmaline is a wonderful stone for those who feel and take on other people's energy. It creates a healthy energetic boundary for the user with the outside world.
- Fluorite – You will always find a piece of fluorite by my computer and printer to help it run smoothly. There is a lot of psychic energy around my computer due to the nature of my business. Fluorite is excellent for shielding the aura from outside psychic manipulation. It absorbs disturbances in your environment so quickly that you do need to clear it often with sage or a crystal cleanse. This crystal works with the upper chakras making it an excellent stone for enhancing psychic abilities.
- Citrine – Citrine is the most popular abundance crystal that people use to bring in financial stability. I always have a citrine stone in my cash register and in the money corner in my home, the back left corner to keep the abundance flowing. Citrine balances the solar plexus chakra and energizes the will of the user. It is excellent in solving family or group problems bringing in resolution and healing to the group. Citrine is beneficial in sparking creativity for artists, writers and musicians.
As I am write this article, many other crystals come to mind such as hematite, moonstone and tiger's eye but for those who are beginners or if you are purchasing crystals for someone else, these 7 cover the basic needs of the user.
Be sure to cleanse them often with sage, sea salt, or placing them on a slab of selenite or a cluster of amethyst or clear quartz. Cleansing your crystals will help you receive the benefits that come from working with them.
There is so much information out there to help you learn more about crystals. Some resources are – the internet, books and visiting your favorite crystal shop and learning from the people that work there. Learning how to use crystals can be fun, healing and empowering. If you haven't already worked with crystals, I invite you to do so beginning with the 7 I have suggested with an open mind and heart and then decide for yourself if your life has improved for the better.
Blessings and Light,

Laurie Barraco is a professional intuitive counselor, medium, author, recording artist, teacher and the owner of The Mystical Moon, a healing center in Fort Myers, Florida. Laurie offers readings, courses and healing products through The Mystical Moon Online Store. You can connect with her at The Mystical Moon Facebook Page.
I need LSD crystal
yeah so you can destroy your mind, idiot.
I guess you need to read more cause lsd does not cause brain damage like youre stupidity
learn to read more than talking.
Julie Hill
Dale check it!
What about crystal meth?
Eric Bond
Annie Drinnan
Saving this…
James Wilkinson
Brenda Ras Gina De Cuba
Tatiana Marie Riis
Pippa Grint Lewis
Cherise Noelle
Tara Bartlett
Juls Vanpoucke
”And if you pour spring water on them at midnight,their power will multiply!!!” *facepalm*
Ivan Vargas
Jennifer Lynn
I love this!
I want to go again soon! :3
Me too =)!
Zinal Gala Chheda we need to get all of them!
They can’t
All you’ll every need for all your life is Yeshua! How can you put your belief in stone for your needs?
Because I’ve gotten results using these kinds of focusing tools. Much like meditation, but I know how some of you Christians feel about that too….
Crystals are only tools. They don’t help you with anything. Only you can help you.
That may be true, but tools are great for focusing one’s energy to enable any kind of help.
Crystals are very powerful although with that mindset no wonder they don’t help you.
As a former crystal user for several years, I’m well aware of what they do or don’t do. And crystals don’t do a thing. It’s all in the mind. If you feel better with a security object, that’s your prerogative. If they make you feel more confident, great. But it’s not mineral. It’s all you.
Based on your experience not everyone elses.
Yes, they are tools but they do help one refocus their thoughts and intentions. I, personally have seen with the differences with kirlian photography and an aura machine the changes in a person’s aura by holding or not holding different crystals. One time the aura machine showed a problem with a tooth two days before the issue came up. Cr
Did you know that there are some acupuncture needles that have clear quartz in them to help amplify the effect of the needle?
Camilla de Almeida ?
Katie and Shalom Wilson: God made the stones as tools, so you can help yourself. The vibration of each is from the God source.
Look within a composition made to relax and ease the mind. Spirit of the Wind 10 Google it and see if you can use it with headphones and listen to the entire recording for a couple of days and feel the difference it can make in your life. Thank you for listening
Alayna Guevara?
Luke Harvey we need amesyt (2) asap!!
People actually believe this BS… *facepalm*
ANYONE who thinks keeping a ROCK in their car is going to “improve their gas mileage” clearly has no f**king clue how an internal combustion engine works… *facepalm*
Olivia Calamia
Only missing one!
Emmerson Pownall
Anna Karenina Lim-Puertop
I miss my crystals
Yah me too. Huhu
These tools require light, vibration, focus and little help from yourself. ?
Troy Deal
Jeanette Baxter
Rhyse Elliott
Shadan Nassar
You need whatever crystal calls you
Aimee Nobles
I only need one “a crystal ball”
Tommi Peel
Rissa Riss, we totally nailed the basics
Totally did! !
That is totally subjective, in relation to individual frequencies, many other ones are better or different to each individual….. Crystals do help you, because in relativity to physics their frequencies are there where you believe or understand it or not…..
Robert John Jaxon
Jenel Morian check these out. But don’t try to blame anything on me lol
Hahahahaha! Its 2015! There are grownups who buy into this make believe?
These are the ones I have.
Rapdoelio Love
Luke Harvey this is article you never seen!!
If only I could have all of them.
I think amethyst is the most versatile stone that exists and if you have to pick just one, that is the one I would go with. Amethyst geodes are beautiful and powerful. Here’s a great page about them for anyone interested: https://cosmiccuts.com/pages/the-amazing-amethyst-geode