One of the best methods of permanent birth control is the vasectomy procedure. During this surgery, your doctor will cut or block vas deferens, which are tubes in charge of transporting sperm to semen. Sperm is needed for the fertility, and without it your semen will become sterile.
Because of this, whether you should go through the vasectomy surgery or not is a big decision. This is not something you should decide on your own. Both you and your significant other should talk to the doctor, and consider whether this is the right choice for you. To find out more, you can visit the vasectomy in Western Sydney, or simply contact your local doctor instead.
A good permanent birth control option
Scalpel VS no scalpel vasectomy
Before the surgery, your doctor will tell you more about the procedure. There are two methods of having the vasectomy procedure done. One of them involves a scalpel, and the other one is done without a scalpel.
During the scalpel vasectomy surgery, your doctor will make small cuts on each side of the scrotum, through which he or she will be able to reach the vas deferens. This is when your doctor will block or cut the vas deferens, to block the sperm from entering the semen.
During the no-scalpel vasectomy, your doctor will instead use a device to make tiny punctures on each side of the scrotum. Through those holes he or she will reach the vas deferens, cut or block them. The only difference between these two methods of surgeries is that one uses a scalpel and the other one does not.
Know the risks!
Before you go through any kind of a surgical procedure, no matter how non-invasive it is, you should learn more about the procedure, how it is done and the risks! When it comes to the vasectomy procedure, there are a couple of things you can expect after the surgery, but those are often within the normal.
Experiencing some swelling, mild discomfort or pain is normal. Having blood in the semen and a bruised scrotum is also normal, but if you start experiencing these symptoms on a more extreme side, you should visit your doctor.
It will not change your performance
Usually, men are mostly afraid of whether the vasectomy will affect their performance in any way, shape or form. But, it will not. The only thing that the vasectomy surgery will do is make your semen sterile, everything else will stay the same. Your libido, semen production and performance will not change!
Simple and non-invasive surgery
Final word
Many things need to be taken into consideration. The vasectomy surgery is almost 100% effective, and while the reversal is a possibility you should not count on that. In most cases the reversal will not work, thus if you are not completely sure that you no longer want to have children in the future, you should not go through with the surgery.