What is Kratom?
Kratom is a herbal leaf with healing properties that grows on a tree named Mitragyna speciosa. Kratom is used as medicine in various forms by natives of many nations such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand for different illnesses such as diarrhea, depression, opium addiction, chronic pain. You can have Kratom by chewing the leaves, or grinding them into a paste or mixing them with coffee/tea.
Natural kratom products are available in the form of powder, extract or capsules.
Chemical Composition of Kratom
There are around 40 to 550 active substances such as 7-hydroxy mitragynine,pausinystalia johimbe and others like rhynchophylline, paynantheine, speciocilatine. All of them have had potential opioid effects.
Medical Benefits of Kratom
Pain Relief – The anodyne properties of the plant, makes it an excellent antidote for curing any aches. This is an excellent natural alternative to the allopathic pain-relieving drugs available in pharmacies.
Improves energy levels – Kratom can work as a natural form of glucose(energy booster in the body) for the organization. It is the reason why manual laborers around the world have Kratom while they are in work to maintain their energy so that they can perform heavy tasks effectively.
Diabetes – Kratom is also able to regulate the amount of glucose and insulin in the blood, thus keeping their levels to a minimum, keeping diabetes under control or if you do not have diabetes at all at the moment, reduces the chances of being diagnosed by the same to a substantial level.
Improves Immune System – This plant is popular amongst masses for its stimulating effect. The kratom plant has alkaloids that work towards strengthening the immune system. Due to the improved immune system, many have seen a sharp reduction in the sickness period while some do not fall sick at all.
Regulates moods and anxiety levels -Contains mitragynine, that acts as a natural antidepressant.
Red horn kratom
The Red That Kratom is the most widely used Kratom in the world. The calming effect of the plant’s red-veined leaves has made it popular over the years.
Some of the red horn kratom effects are as follows:
- Tranquillity – This plant has a relaxing effect. It can help calm the muscles. It is due to the 7-hydroxy mitragynine chemical present in these kratom leaves.
It is usually taken by those who have a lot of stress due to work or maybe students preparing for their exams.
- Sleep Aid – The strain of the red horn Kratom is useful for those who have insomnia as the strain does not have any vitalizing properties and helps one sleep well.
What makes the red horn Kratom different from the rest? This plant has a very long duration of action and its effects last longer compared to the other types of Kratom available.
The effects of the red horn kratom are similar to coffee, but the main difference between the two is that the Red horn Kratom’s effects last longer and are smoother compared to coffee.
Side Effects of Kratom Consumption
Some of the side effects of Kratom include but are not limited to:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Hallucinations
Constipation problems
If Kratom is consumed in larger portions, this may lead to several health problems such as:
- Breathing problems/asthma
- Brain swelling,
- Seizures
- Liver damage
- Organ failure
- Possibly death
Large doses of this are however dangerous for the health, can make a person inactive for long periods. Also, this makes the skin dark when used regularly.
The mitragynine in Kratom causes hallucinations in many.
Safety Measures
Do not take Kratom while you are pregnant. It is because it has been seen that babies born to women who have had Kratom during the pregnancy period; their babies had to be treated for kratom addiction.
Avoid using Kratom during the breastfeeding period as well. Even though there has been no sufficient evidence to prove the adverse effects of kratom consumption during breastfeeding, it is wise enough to avoid its use to remain on the safe side.
People with mental disorders who consume Kratom have shown increased suicidal tendencies compared to their mentally sound peers.
Final Thoughts
A kratom is a good option for those who want help with chronic pain, anxiety, and stress. Kratom also helps to calm the muscles and sharpen the mind to have a more productive work-life balance. It has grown popular in recent times due to its various health benefits. Going through both the advantages and disadvantages above, it can be seen that the obstacles have outdone its advantages-this means that consuming Kratom does more harm to the body than good, due to its composition. The adverse effects of Kratom are visible when consumed excessively. If taken in the right proportions, there will be no risks.
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