Are you dreaming about spending your holidays in an exciting and usual way? We tend to plan in detail the destinations and sights we are gonna visit during our journey but we often skip on planning for the time between walking through the corridors of Louvre and climbing in Grand Canyon. What interesting activities can you involve?
A really great holiday starts with your luggage. Portable power bank and charger, pillow to comfort yourself on a plane, corkscrew, and bikini sound too obvious things to take? Here are a few unexpected items including the yoga hammock and mysterious handpan you could hardly think about but that can make your journey really fantastic!
Item 1. Yoga hammock
Swinging on the beach with a glass of margarita and listening to the ocean waves. Or placing yourself comfortably with a blanket in a forest with a cup of hot chocolate, smores and enjoying the birds singing all around. A hammock can make your holidays really incredible and can be taken to pretty any trip. It’s a perfect way to feel a connection with nature. It requires just a little space in your luggage and is easy to set up. Stick it between two trees or even the balcony railing (if it’s firm enough).
A yoga hammock is a two-in-one as you can enjoy swinging and also practice aerial yoga and stretching. These two activities provide tons of health benefits including improved circulations, deep tissue massage, pain relief, and relaxation after a long and adventurous day. Place the hammock in a doorpost and you’ll be able to have a great workout to keep your body in tonus (and isn’t it what we all skip on during the vacations?
Item 2. Binocular
Binocular observation can be an exciting way to spend the time during travelling, especially if you are skiing in mountains or plan some walkies to natural parks (a total must if you go to a camping or natural sight-seeing tour). It extends the horizon (and in a literal sense as well) of your journey. There’s a great variety of compact and light-weighted options designed for travelling.
If you are staying near the seashore, you can spend a nice time sitting on your balcony and observing the horizon. If you are lucky and patient enough, you can get the chance to see the sea creatures like dolphins or whales. Binocular will be also a good edition for a city-travel tour. Take it to an observation deck and take a look over around the city. It’s a much better and much more convenient option than 50 cent coin-operated binoculars that are placed out there.
Item 3. RAV Pan
Taking a guitar while travelling is nice but is too boring for this shortlist. It also requires know-how and practice before you go travelling. And there’s no need to say some trips can be really spontaneous. Here’s an unusual alternative that can make it to be the best trip of your life.
Have you heard about the RAV Pans – strange UFO-alike instruments that have a serene voice? The RAV Pan belongs to the handpan class – the steel drums that have the shape of the inverted hemispheres with the dimples placed around the centre note. The note of each dimple is tuned with hundreds of hammer blows of the steel shell. It gives the instrument a soft voice that sounds like a harmonious blend of harp and wind chimes.
A great perk about the handpans is that they are easily transportable and can be taken anywhere from some deserted Thai beach to Piccadilly street (it’s hard to imagine you could take the piano or harp to enjoy the music in these places). Handpans are very harmonious instruments that let you create amazing sounds without any musical background required.
You can meditate with the F Pygmy RAV Pan sitting alone on the beach, or play the B Celtic Minor RAV Pan for your friends while sitting around the campfire and creating an incredible mood for everyone.
Don’t forget to pick up the case (you can one from a great variety provided by the RAV Vast Drum’s brand) to make travelling with your RAV easy and safe. A secret tip for pro travellers: pack your cloth inside the RAV Pan (but don’t put too much to avoid an excessive pressure upon the dimples). This will provide additional protection for you instrument and will let you save.
Item 4. Fishing kit
This can be a nice addition if you are gonna stay near water. Fishing or catching crabs is a great activity and a creative way to have a perfect dinner (and save some money as well).
There are the fishing kits that are so small they can fit a tea box. You do not even need a rod or know all the secrets of fishing. Take a fishing line, hook, and jig. You can also take a walk during low tide and look for shell-fish. Do some preparatory investigations about the fishing spots and the type of fish you can catch. Make sure you don’t surpass the fishing limitations in the area you are staying in.
Travelling is the time for new discoveries. Stay open-minded for new ideas, keep safe, be creative, and have the best trip of your life!