Functional medicine, simply put, is a distinctive medical model that is different from conventional approaches, one which helps in promoting wellness and aids in promoting wellness and preventing and treating chronic diseases, the most common health problem people face these days. Though this concept is not something new, the approach is revolutionary.
Patient-centered Treatment
This phrase has turned quite popular in the past few years. The concept of patient-centered healthcare means physicians focus on a patient as a whole instead of a disorder or disease. Rather than finding a prompt means of eradicating symptoms, doctors look for the real cause of a patient’s problem. Functional medicine doctors recognize the individuality of every patient instead of following the approach of one-size-fits-all.
Body, Mind, Spirit
A functional doctor probe deeper compared to merely discovering what is taking place physically with every patient. He/she may inquire about a patient's spiritual and emotional wellbeing as well as know regarding their bonding with family and partners. They aim to maximize their patient's overall vitality instead of merely treating the disease.
Budget-Friendly Disease Prevention
Disease prevention is more budget-friendly than treating the same. By preserving one's health and minimizing the damage caused due to stress, poor nutrition, and exposure to environmental toxins, a functional medicine doctor can save one's money.
Ways in Which a Chiropractic Professional Fits In
Simply put, chiropractic care is a facet of all-inclusive functional medicine as it aids patients in attaining optimal health. Besides, the concept of this medicine fits into the practices of most chiropractors as they are known for maximizing their tools for treating patients. To know more get in touch with Active Edge Chiropractic and Functional Medicine.
Some chiropractors chiefly emphasize the traditional spinal manipulation. Others, however, have added a higher number of components into their chiropractic care as per the principles based on functional medicine. It comprises of lifestyle interventions, nutritional counseling, and acupuncture. Such an integrated approach is popular, especially with chiropractic experts that treat complex yet common illnesses, like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
A functional medicine chiropractor works along with other physicians for maximizing the health of a patient. A chiropractor, for instance, may refer patients to the acupuncturist for extra help. Then the acupuncturist may send their patients to chiropractors. Thus, they work in harmony, focusing on the best interests of the patient.
Often patients are taken aback by the amount of time that functional medicine experts spend with them. Here patients are expected a longer interview compared to that of an average physician. The staff surely will ask the patient in filling up questionnaires regarding their diet history, past illnesses, present symptoms, and exposure to toxins. The functional medicine doctor mar also orders laboratory tests as well.
All in all, it is the patient that plays a pivotal part in functional medicine. They will work with their chiropractic expert for improving their health, oftentimes by altering their lifestyle and diet, instead of taking pills passively for alleviating present symptoms.