I didn’t feel the last Kratom I bought from that store! The effect of that Kratom you brought me was not as pronounced as the previous one! I am not feeling any with this Kratom strain! These are common concerns among new Kratom users but what could be the issue? What could be responsible for the differences in effects that people feel after taking Kratom? One of the most important factors to consider is timing: taking Kratom on empty stomach versus full stomach.
So, how are the two situations different? Well, before delving deeper, let’s understand how Kratom works.
What happens when you consume Kratom?
Once you ingest Kratom, its alkaloids (like mitragynine or 7-OH) passes to the body’s nervous system via the bloodstream. The alkaloids then bind to the brain’s mu and delta receptors, causing different effects euphoria, relaxation, pain relief, and stimulation.
Depending on when you choose to take Kratom, the onset of the above process and the potency of its effects may vary.
Let’s dig deeper.
Taking Kratom on an Empty Stomach
Consuming Kratom on an empty stomach shortens the time for the onset of the above-highlighted process or the metabolization and absorption of Kratom. In other words, when you take Kratom before eating, the effects will kick in faster and its overall effects will be stronger.
It takes about 15-30 minutes for Kratom taken on an empty stomach to show effects. So, if you are using Kratom to relieve pain and your pain spasms tend to begin around 8 am, then taking your Kratom tea or slurry when you wake is recommended.
Like taking medications or vitamins on an empty stomach, taking Kratom before eating anything can cause gastrointestinal distress, including stomach pains and nausea. However, there are a few tricks that you can use to avoid such effects, including:
- Eating a little before taking Kratom. For instance, you can take fruits, easily digested foods, or half of what you always have for breakfast before ingesting Kratom. This will help slow down the absorption rate a bit.
- Taking Kratom on an empty stomach and eating a light snack after. This is one of the best ways of getting quick onset, enjoying stronger effects, and avoiding potential Kratom side effects.
Taking Kratom on Full Stomach
When you take Kratom after you’ve eaten, you will still feel the effect but you will have to wait for a long time. It can take as long one hour or more to feel its effects. This is because the food will hinder the free absorption of Kratom and consequently cause it to act slowly. This implies that if you have a health condition that you need to treat immediately with a Kratom dose, you might be disappointed by the long wait time.
Additionally, when you take Kratom on a full stomach, you might not feel its effects the same way you would feel if you took it on an empty stomach. In other words, you may need to take more of your Kratom powder or strain. This is something that you may need to experiment with to determine the right amount of Kratom that you need to take after eating. However, KratomCrazy recommends limiting the amount of Kratom that you consume as much as possible lest you build tolerance fast. So, it is very important to figure out the best minimal-food method that can work for you. To avoid the hassle of having to try everything on your own, you can visit a few Kratom forums to see what’s working for other Kratom peers.
The effects of Kratom usually depends on an individual. What’s working for you might not work for your friend. So, it is always advisable to settle for the dosage level or method of consumption that works for you. While forums can help you know a few details that you probably didn’t know about a given Kratom strain, don’t over-focus on something simply because it is working for a few people. If you are a beginner, consider taking Kratom after you have taken a light meal because you may not manage the effects of Kratom on an empty stomach. If you are an experienced user, you definitely wouldn’t want to waste your Kratom on a full stomach. Instead, figure out what works best for you and stick to it.