The Scorpio Pink Full Moon of the 23rd/24th of April (dependent on location) sees the two rulers of Scorpio prominent.
• Discover what the next two weeks holds for you personally, and us all collectively.
At 4 Degrees 17′ this event sees a very tense T Square with Pluto at 2 Degrees and 12′.
• We may find ourselves drawing on savings for unexpected costs.
• There may be an increase in insurance costs, or taxation.
• Shared finances will require give and take.
• All financial transactions will require care.
• Business finance may need careful appraisal with future plans.
• If there are any issues to do with intimacy, they may need facing now.
• Financial issues can impact on friendships, or group activities.
• A clash of values is possible.
More revelations to do with past financial or sexual affairs may surface, which see people lose more prominent or public roles.
• A sexual attraction with a friend or associate may prove tempting.
• Yet Mars suggests if we use our instincts, past skills and experiences could come into play and reward us.
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