The American animated sitcom has come with a biting and surprising satire. South Park premiered its 24th season on Wednesday by tackling the most important thing in everyone’s minds. This includes the year 2020 and everything that we have all witnessed in this tough year.
In utmost truth, South Park came with an hour Pandemic Special. This episode is on everyone’s lips as it took a sweltering jab at US President Donald Trump. Trump is not the only one on the list, the sitcom also took a massive sway on the COVID-19 pandemic and the police brutality in the country.
The episode has been trending on Twitter with people flabbergasted that the network would air something of that nature.
South Park is very famous for making some comments on social issues in America and around the world including real money online roulette. But this recent special surely hit home for many Americans.
Let us look at why this Pandemic Special was the talk of the town.
The Call to Vote
This episode demonstrated a democratic scene encouraging people to vote. It tackles all that’s happening in the US political landscape. President Garrison, the show’s Trump stand-in and calling viewers to go and vote.
The COVID-19 Cure
Well, apparently, Stan’s dad discovered the COVID-19 cure, but unfortunately, it is much worse than the disease itself. Well, Pot famer Randy Marsh whose COVID-19 cure stimulated the whole idea of Pandemic Special literally gave this episode a title. It seems like he is facing some accusation of bringing the virus to the United States.
Whilst this episode summed up a lot about 2020 events, Stan gave a summary on how most people are feeling. “I can’t take these shutdowns anymore and I’m scared of what it’s doing to me… The truth is I just want to have fun again…I want my life back.” The pandemic has also led to many people heading to real money casinos online to sustain their lives since many people lost their jobs.