My preference for a reality shifting and quantum jumping approach is a more spiritual (rather than magickal) practice, in which I acknowledge a higher order of divine love and awareness, and respect myself and others as being part of this greater, interconnected whole.
While it's tempting to think we know what we want, there is a genuine risk any time we neglect to consider what we genuinely need, and what our hearts most adore and truly care about. We can gradually come to learn such spiritual truths as the value of compassion and kindness, yet we can sometimes succumb to various fears and doubts, as well as all manner of other issues such as greed, pride, or jealousy.
There is a risk any time we make a mistake of confusing egoic, selfish interests for holistic intentions. And just like King Midas came to regret having his wish granted that everything he touched turn to gold, so too can we come to regret getting the very things we might at one moment in time think we most need.
Many people write to me, requesting steps to follow by which they can shift reality in desired ways. Such steps would be along the lines of a ‘right brain,' action-based or ‘yang' approach to reality shiftnig. While there are some occasions where such steps can be employed, it's been my experience that the best results in my life occur thanks to a Spiritual Approach to reality shifting. So what's the difference, you might well ask. Let's take a look.
Magical Approach to Reality Shifting
Magical approaches to shifting reality paved the way for much of our modern-day science, with interest in keeping records, taking note of observed patterns for success, and following steps that have historically proved to generate good results.
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) chief scientist, Dr. Dean Radin has recently published an excellent book describing a magical approach to reality shifting, Radin's scientific exploration of “Real Magic” has nothing to do with trickery, sleight-of-hand, nor the occult, but truly is the real deal, falling into three categories: “mental influence of the physical world, perception of events distant in space or time, and interactions with nonphysical entities.” These three can also be known respectively as: force of will, divination, and theurgy. Radin describes how magic is a natural part of our daily lives and reality, accessible to us all. Declassified documents from the American government's review of such programs as remote viewing (also known as a valid “information transfer anomaly”) meet all recognized statistical and methodological criteria.
Spiritual Approach to Reality Shifting
A spiritual approach to reality shifting could be considered to be something similar to a “right-brain” approach, or a receptive “Yin” (rather than “Yang”) approach. In Carolyn Miller's excellent book, “Creating Miracles,” Miller describes how people have faced potentially lethal situations and avoided victimization by realizing in the midst of their ordeal that they could find and project a higher state of awareness on the situation. Their feelings changed their situations so much that would-be muggers and rapists walked away from potential victims, and a car plummeting off the side of the road landed safely in a lake… that had never been there before.
Miller tells numerous true stories that all share a common thread… in a time of need, people can and do create miracles. All that is needed is an attitude of love and “miracle mindedness”. This attitude can overcome even the most horrific situations, bringing compassion to individuals who otherwise would show no mercy, and shifting reality in very profound ways.
What makes this book particularly fascinating and useful to me is that Carolyn Miller reviews dozens of stories to find some common threads… some ways that people have found to shift reality in these times of great stress:
Feel Love
Move beyond the limited perspective of ego's worries and fears.
Expect a Positive Outcome
Instead of assuming that the situation will continue to go in a negative direction, expect a positive (or neutral) outcome.
Turn Inward
Feel a meditative sense of detached, non-judgmental peacefulness.
It seems that by practicing achieving a meditative state on a regular basis, being optimistic, and being loving, we can predispose ourselves to experiencing wonderful miracles. I know this is true from my experiences with reality shifts!
I love the way Miller explains that it's not necessary to believe in divine intervention in order to create miracles. She explains that people who simply keep the “miracle-minded” attitude can bring miracles to even the most hostile situations.
The Power of Asking “How Good Can it Get?”
Once we appreciate the value of adopting a spirtual approach to reality shifting and quantum jumping, it's possible to recognize the power of guiding our attention and imagination and consciousness to investigate “How good can it get?” The significance of making this question our personal mantra in all circumstances might be hard to recognize, until we've personally experienced extraordinary reality shifting and quantum jumping results first-hand.
You can watch the companion video to this blog post at: