Even though your pelvic muscles are hidden from view, you could still control them consciously and they could be trained just like your leg, arm, or abdominal muscles. If you make a conscious effort to fortify the pelvic floor muscles, they would become stronger and would help in actively supporting your bowel and bladder. This should help in enhancing bowel and bladder control. Furthermore, if the pelvic floor muscles become stronger, they would help in reducing the possibility of accidental leaking from your bowel or bladder.
You must start following a strict exercise regimen on a regular basis for strengthening your pelvic muscles. This is of crucial importance in the case of both women and men. We understand that pelvic floor muscles seem to play a critical role in boosting sexual function. Moreover, fortifying the pelvic floor muscles could help in reducing pelvic pain associated with sex and even help in boosting the capability of experiencing pleasurable sensations.
Benefits of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises
Pelvic floor muscle exercises could be of immense help. They could be responsible for:
- Improving bowel and bladder control
- Reducing the incidence and risk of prolapse. Women could feel that there is a bulge present in the vagina. There could be a feeling of discomfort, heaviness, dropping, dragging, or even pulling. Men could feel it as a bulge that is present in the rectum. They may feel like using their bowels even when there is no actual need to go.
- Boosting recovery from gynecological surgery or childbirth in women.
- Boosting recovery post prostate surgery in men.
- Enhancing sexual sensation and boosting orgasmic potential.
- Boosting social confidence and overall quality of life.
Try Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises
There are some very effective pelvic health exercises for men and women. You must identify correctly your precise pelvic floor muscles before initiating a pelvic muscle training program. Pelvic floor muscle exercise or training seems to be a proven preventive or conservative treatment for POP or Pelvic Organ Prolapse. You may consider trying a few exercises to alleviate your pelvic issues.
As per https://www.webmd.com, Kegel exercises are meant to fortify the pelvic floor muscles. These are your key muscles that are meant for supporting your bladder, uterus, rectum, and small intestine. Kegels not only is effective in keeping them fit, but they could also be immensely helpful in avoiding embarrassing accidents such as passing stool or gas, and bladder leakage accidentally.
To find the pelvic floor muscles, women should consider inserting a finger into the vagina. Focus on tightening the muscles just like you hold in your urine. You could then let go. You would be feeling your pelvic floor muscles tightening around your finger and moving up and down.
Men could consider inserting a finger straightaway into the rectum then try squeezing it without even tightening the thigh, buttock, or abdomen muscles. Kegel exercises, when practiced by men, could help in fortifying their pelvic floor muscles that support both the bowel and bladder and impact positively on sexual function. With some practice, men could do Kegel exercises just about whenever they wish.
Many factors could result in the weakening of the pelvic muscles including conditions like overactive bladder and diabetes, and even surgical elimination of prostate. Kegels is great for pelvic muscle training and is essential, the practice of relaxing and contracting the pelvic floor muscles. Kegels could prove beneficial provided you sometimes, experience unexpected urine leakage from laughing, coughing, sneezing, or jumping.
Muscles that Are Worked: The Pelvic Floor Muscles
Equipment Required: None
Identify the Perfect Muscles: The best way of doing this is to consider stopping urination midstream. For performing Kegels, start contracting these muscles and holding for around 5 seconds and then releasing for 5 seconds.
Keep repeating this ten times thrice daily.
Squats are beneficial in engaging the body’s largest muscles and are great for massive strength improvement. While performing this basic move, you need to make sure that your form is truly solid before adding any resistance.
Main muscles worked: Hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps
Equipment needed: Barbell
Stand in an erect or upright position and place your feet slightly wider apart as compared to your shoulder-width and toes somewhat wee bit pointed out. If you are about to use a barbell, then remember to rest it behind the neck, specifically on your trapezius muscles.
Start bending your knees and pushing your butt and hips as if you are about to sit on a chair. Remember keeping your neck neutral and chin tucked. Keep dropping down till you find your thighs at a parallel to the floor. Meanwhile, you must focus on exerting your weight very much on your heels and knees that are bowed a little bit outward.
Then straighten your legs. Gradually start returning to the upright position.
Do 15 reps.
Split Tabletop
Tabletop is supposed to be a leg move that is effective as the foundation for multiple moves associated with a Pilates workout. When you incorporate the split into your workout regimen, you seem to be activating your pelvic floor muscles and even hips.
Muscles worked: Pelvic floor, abs, and hips.
Equipment Required: Mat
You may initially put your back on the mat placed on the floor. Your knees must be bending for making sure that your thighs are placed strategically perpendicular to the mat on the floor. Your shins must be placed parallel to the mat on the floor. Your abs must be braced and even your inner thighs must have been activated.
In a completely controlled movement, start splitting your legs slowly so that both the knees fall outward and you end up achieving a comfortable posture. Raise your back slowly to the start.
Do ten to fifteen reps and three sets.
In the event your pelvic muscles require strengthening, you have access to many easy moves for incorporating them into your routine and rest assured to reap the benefits. Focus on consciously engaging your muscles during every exercise for achieving a maximum outcome.