Smoking marijuana doesn't only feel good. It can also help you to improve sex life, relieve chronic pain, and maintain a healthy weight. If you have a job interview or driving school test, you need to learn how to detox from cannabis.
There are a lot of natural remedies that can help you to do so. Here is how you can detox from marijuana in less than a week:
Studies have shown that THC is mostly stored in fat cells. It means that you need to lose some weight to flush some drug toxins from your body. In order to burn fat fast, hit the gym. Consider increasing cardio; you can try running, swimming, and cycling.
Another way to detox from marijuana is to go to the sauna (or take a hot bath). Sweating in a sauna can also help to reduce the level of THC in your fat. It’s important to mention that going to the sauna is not a complete solution. You also need to combine this method with effective workout sessions.
In order to detox from marijuana in less than a week, start eating healthier. Eat more fish, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. You should eat more probiotics foods such as apple cider vinegar, yoghurt, and soft cheeses.
Other than that, make sure to drink plenty of clear liquids and cranberry juice. You also need to avoid drinking coffee.
If you have to pass a drug test and don’t have time to prepare for it properly, consider using synthetic urine quick fix 6.2.
Would you like to learn more about Americans’ use of cannabis? Check out the infographic below: