Source: Lorie Ladd
Lorie Ladd says that March 2021 is one of the most powerful months you will be experiencing thus far for accelerating your personal evolution.
Hello, everyone. Happy Tuesday. I love you. I'm sending you a huge virtual hug wherever you are on the Earth plane in this now moment. I want to share a quick message that my guides gave me this morning. So they said to me as I was driving. They said March is one of the most potent months you will be experiencing thus far.
They said every single day the human has an opportunity to pop or to jump – that we are accelerating our evolution so quickly right now if we are present, if we're aware, if we're observing, if we're taking self-responsibility and not projecting everything on to someone else, but instead taking responsibility for everything that is in your life. Everything that's in your life is yours.
If you are feeling everything, if you are intending for what you want to have, be, create in your now, all of these things are going to facilitate the ability to embrace, and shift, evolve every single day this month. I can promise you many of you will not be, at the end of the month, you will not be who you are right now.
So what they said was every now moment that you're experiencing is an opportunity to evolve. Every now moment, it's an opportunity to be aware. It's an opportunity to choose. It's an opportunity to feel. It's an opportunity to take self-responsibility. It's an opportunity to step out of victimhood. It's an opportunity to create. And the more we are aware of this, the more we will be we will be able to devour and embrace this very potent month of March.
So as you are navigating your now moments remember that who you were in the morning may be very different than who you wake up as the following morning. And the more you participate in this evolution courageously, the easier it will be – meaning devour the uncomfortable feelings. Stop projecting your insecurities, your lack, your doubt, your traumas onto others.
Hold everything as yours. Own it all. Own It All! Own everything that's yours because it's an opportunity to shift. It's an opportunity to evolve. Feel. The more you just allow yourself to feel, the faster you will evolve. The more you are observing, the faster you'll evolve.
And when I say faster, it's not better or worse. It's not like we want to evolve fast, but means that we will move smoother through this. It's like floating through the river as opposed to getting stuck in the river. Right? Drowning in the river and then coming back up floating a little bit – drowning. When we attach, when we connect, when we hold onto things – we drowned in the river.
So recognize. Are you holding onto things? Are you holding onto people, events, experiences, jobs, relationships. Are you holding onto it? Or are you allowing it to show you what is coming next?
Everything that is popping up in your now is an opportunity that's allowing you to move into the next highest version of you. And this is happening over and over and over – every single day this month. It's a pop and then a pop and then a pop.
A couple of steps you can do. I'll say it again one last time. Okay?
Observe everything in your now and look at it as an opportunity to shift. Stop blaming, stop projecting, stop throwing things on people and take self-responsibility. No more victimhood feel everything. Don't attach to anything that you're feeling.
Choose – choose in every now moment how you want to be in that now moment. Create and intend. Create and intend the reality that you want. Who do you want to be? Who do you want in your life? What do you want in your life? Because it will come very quickly as you begin to do this.
And try to find yourself in a present moment state as much as possible. Surrendering to my now. What is my now going to show me that's going to allow me to begin evolving and to begin evolving and to begin evolving, because we're always new. It's always new.
So there you go. March is going to be very, very powerful. Don't be afraid of anything that's coming in. Don't be afraid of anything that you're losing. Don't be afraid of anything that may be coming: all the success or the love or the abundance, the joy, the peace. Many of us are unconsciously afraid of actually receiving this finally.
Let yourself feel. You're evolving. It's a miraculous, awesome experience.
Thanks for being here. I love you.