What is the relationship between timelines, reality shifts, and the afterlife? If we exist in a simulation when living, where do we go when we die? What, if anything, exists outside of the simulation? When we go within, are we accessing a part of us outside of the simulation?
These are questions sent to me by my friend, Ross, who also asks:
Since physical reality is an illusion, does everything that I experience exist only in my mind/consciousness, or is it being dreamed by my soul (or some other part of me), or is it all just a part of the simulation or some combination? Where is the simulation coming from? Is it being beamed from Saturn's rings, as David Icke suggests? Who created the simulation? Inquiring minds want to know.
Timelines and the Afterlife
The same day that Ross wrote to me, so did my friend, Gina, who has begun hearing loved ones who have passed on, as well as ancestors. Some of the information Gina receives includes suggestions on how to do things the “old country” way, as it was done generations ago, and can be easily confirmed to be accurate and useful information, since to include such advice in Gina's home brings instant success. Gina is able to hear her deceased relatives and ancestors just fine, and can ask questions and get answers that assist her in bringing back what otherwise might have been a long-lost way of cooking, baking, and working with various crafts. Not only can home-making information be relayed, but perhaps more surprisingly to Gina, so can real-time assistance in Gina's life in the here and now. Gina relays how she met a deceased great uncle who asked her, in Italian, if she was okay, showing great concern and caring–in fact, more care than most living people. Gina replied that she needed to find a house as soon as possible, since she was deep in grief from news of her mother having just died, and needed to leave her cousin's house, where the family had been staying. “You need a house?” he said in Italian. The next thing Gina knew, he'd gathered a group of family, who discussed what could be done, with the men making arrangements while the women provided grief-support and comfort for Gina. The very next day after this conversation with Gina's deceased ancestors and relatives, Gina's cousin told her that she'd found a house from a friend of hers that was available for her family to rent.
Gina's question to me is, “How is it Cynthia that I have never heard of anyone else experiencing this in such a real time way? And are they all ghosts hanging out in their old houses? Or is it like they’re in another plane that Looks like how it was when they lived? How can they see me and know what I’m thinking? What about people who go straight to heaven? I don’t understand how this is possible. Yet it’s becoming more and more a part of my daily life! And what they tell me proves itself to be true. Can you help me grasp where they are? And how they can see and hear ME? Did mom have something to do with this sudden ancestral connection? It literally began the day she died.”
Gina had not heard of anyone else doing this, although of course this is something I've done regularly over the years. One of my recent experiences involved my being interrupted on a rather busy day, on March 17, 2021, as I was preparing go get ready for our IMEC Open Tables episode the next day. I was scrambling at the 11th hour to prepare for a guest on our show, and was redoing all the power point slides. In the midst of all this business and mental focus, I was surprised to feel my childhood friend's (deceased) grandmother, Margaret Hall, whom I'd never met, getting my attention by asking me very softly if I'd like to include her photo in the family genealogical records. Well, of course I would! I'd never met this grandmother in person, since she'd passed away shortly after giving birth to my friend's mother. When I asked her what she had in mind, she indicated I'd be able to find it based on where she was at the time of the 1920 census. My initial reaction was skepticism, since she lived in a large metropolitan area at the time, and her last name, Hall, was common and ubiquitous–so wouldn't this be like finding a needle in a haystack? After all, that's why nobody had yet found her before. She reassured me that with my help, I'd find her photo in her high school yearbook with no difficulty. Because I loved her positive, charismatic energy so much, I set my afternoon tasks aside, taking a chance that maybe she was right, and she'd lead me to find that long-missing “needle in a haystack” of her yearbook and photo. And sure enough, she indeed directly me clearly to the correct part of the large metropolitan city. And what a jackpot I found! There were three more photos in that yearbook of her in performance in a play she starred in. When I reached out to inform my friend of this news, her phone line was uncharacteristically busy–but when I got through, I was thrilled to be able to share this wonderful news that felt so much like a grandmother's love for her grandchildren, arriving (as it turned out) at exactly a time when a grandmother's love–and long-lost missing photos–made all the difference!
When considering the relationship between timelines, Reality Shifts, and the afterlife, the common connection between all of these is awareness of conscious agency being integral to aspects of consciousness itself. All three of these topics make more sense from the perspective of recognizing that each individual is much more than their physical body, and each individual‘s mind is much more than their brain. There can be sensed and felt and known An identity as a being of conscious agency who is capable of contemplating decision points between timelines, and who can have continuity between physical lifetimes. From such an identity as being a pure conscious agent, One can benefit from wisdom, experiences, and knowledge that are accessible through meditation, contemplation, dreams, and prayer. Reality Shifts can then be known to occur when a person, in the form of a conscious agent existing and pure consciousness, makes a jump from one reality to another. Timelines can be appreciated as Forks in the Road of life, which we can sometimes choose retroactively in ways that for example, might contribute to our experiencing mysterious spontaneous remission of some supposedly incurable condition.
Where do we go when we die?
For those of us who have a memory of being aware and conscious before we were born, in a state of being called born aware, by author Diane Brandon, it is possible to have a foundational sense of awareness based in a sense of being consciousness and awareness outside of ordinary space and time. With awareness of having come from a place of conscious awareness prior to existing in physical form, it is not that much of a leap to acknowledge there is a sense of intrinsic being that transcends space and time. From such a starting point, we can envision the possibility that each and everyone of us is essentially timeless. And from such a perspective, it is not too big a leap to imagine that this is the same place, that is actually not a place, that we go when we die.
What, if anything, exists outside of the Simulation/Dreamtime?
One of the biggest questions we can ever ask is, “Why does anything exist at all?” This point was driven home to me by the philosopher Nicholas Rescher, whose excellent book, “Axiogenesis” is one of my favorite books. We often don’t give this question much thought, since we tend to presume that the material world is the foundation of reality itself, rather than questioning its existence. When we consider the idea that all of reality might be something akin to a dream, we are viewing the world from a philosophical perspective that has been prevalent going back thousands of years into ancient indigenous wisdom, as well as ancient yogic teachings from India. there has been a long tradition throughout human cultures and civilizations acknowledging the ultimate reality that exist beyond space and time, in the form of what has been sometimes known as the dream time. The Australian concept of the dream time is one’s strong such example, where we can acknowledge that everything that exists first begins in and comes from the dream time.
When we go within, are we accessing outside of the Simulation/Dreamtime?
When we go within, to a state of meditation, it is possible to experience the cessation of thought, movement, and change. In meditative contemplation, it is possible to gain access to higher levels of self, operating outside of normal typical daily egoic consciousness. For those who do access these higher levels of conscious agency and conscious self, it is possible to engage in communication and conversation with other conscious agents, who have controlling access to various physical material beings, events, and forms. There exists such a thing as an experience of nothingness, where we can appreciate a formlessness that exists but he’s form, and a changeless nurse that exists as a foundation beneath change. this experience of nothingness is available to us through meditation, contemplation, and prayer. This experience of nothingness provides us with a glimpse of the true reality that supports all of space and time, yet exists outside of space and time.
What is the nature of everything that exists?
We tend to focus on those material forms, and events that we can measure, such that there is some degree of objectivity by which we can reach agreement. These measureables are actually somewhat limited, in the sense that the material realism model cannot accommodate most of the existence of things that we are actually living for. If you ask yourself what you were living for, it is highly unlikely that your authentic true answer whatever involve anything that can be absolutely measured in terms of its three-dimensional size, its shape, its weight, or its monetary value. Sometimes people go through phases where some of these things might be given as their answer to what they are living for, but typically as people grow and mature, they come to recognize that what they are really living for involves qualities that do not lend themselves to absolute material realistic measurements. And those same things that people would probably typically say they are living for, such as unconditional divine love, and peace, are so beloved it’s such a deep levels, that we can feel the probable truth that this indeed is the true nature of everything that exists.
Where is the Simulation/Dreamtime coming from?
The source of the simulation or dream time is one of the greatest mysteries, since intrinsically the answer is not knowable to us from outside of it, because we are so immersed within it. Our traditional sciences can only hypothesize as to the source of the Simulation / Dreamtime, since traditional science has no means to step outside of the Simulation / Dreamtime to experimentally confirm or discount various theories. From a purely intuitive sense, it feels to me that we might consider the Simulation / Dreamtime to arise from consciousness itself, which we are a part of. We seem to gain clues as to how we participate in mind-matter interaction through such experiences as synchronicity, deja vu, reality shifts, and the Mandela Effect. The Dreamtime / Simulation comes from Divine Source, Creator, God which we are all related to and connected with at a very deep level that transcends material realism, and is at the level of our pure conscious agency, spirit, or soul.
Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World
How Good Can it Get?
I hope you will join me in asking, “How good can it get?” in any and all circumstances, no matter may seem to be happening, so we may each individually and all collectively experience what is truly best for all.
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Brandon, Diane. Born Aware: Stories and Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth. Llewellyn Publications, 2017.
Larson, Cynthia Sue. “Comes True Being Hoped For.” PARABOLA: The Magazine of Myth and Tradition, Vol. 25, No. 1. (Spring 2000): 84-87 http://www.parabola.org
Novak, Michael. The experience of nothingness. Transaction Publishers, 1970.
Rescher, Nicholas. Axiogenesis: An essay in metaphysical optimalism. Lexington Books, 2010.
Tulku, Tarthang. “Time, space and knowledge. Emeryville.” (1977).
You can watch the companion video to this blog here:
Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of six books, including Quantum Jumps. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia is the founder of RealityShifters, and first President of the International Mandela Effect Conference. Cynthia hosts “Living the Quantum Dream” on the DreamVisions7 radio network, and has been featured in numerous shows including Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, One World with Deepak Chopra, and BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, “How good can it get?” Subscribe to her free monthly ezine at:
What is the relationship between timelines, reality shifts, and the afterlife? If we exist in a simulation when living, where do we go when we die? What, if anything, exists outside of the simulation? When we go within, are we accessing a part of us outside of the simulation?
These are questions sent to me by my friend, Ross, who also asks:
Since physical reality is an illusion, does everything that I experience exist only in my mind/consciousness, or is it being dreamed by my soul (or some other part of me), or is it all just a part of the simulation or some combination? Where is the simulation coming from? Is it being beamed from Saturn's rings, as David Icke suggests? Who created the simulation? Inquiring minds want to know.
Timelines and the Afterlife
The same day that Ross wrote to me, so did my friend, Gina, who has begun hearing loved ones who have passed on, as well as ancestors. Some of the information Gina receives includes suggestions on how to do things the “old country” way, as it was done generations ago, and can be easily confirmed to be accurate and useful information, since to include such advice in Gina's home brings instant success. Gina is able to hear her deceased relatives and ancestors just fine, and can ask questions and get answers that assist her in bringing back what otherwise might have been a long-lost way of cooking, baking, and working with various crafts. Not only can home-making information be relayed, but perhaps more surprisingly to Gina, so can real-time assistance in Gina's life in the here and now. Gina relays how she met a deceased great uncle who asked her, in Italian, if she was okay, showing great concern and caring–in fact, more care than most living people. Gina replied that she needed to find a house as soon as possible, since she was deep in grief from news of her mother having just died, and needed to leave her cousin's house, where the family had been staying. “You need a house?” he said in Italian. The next thing Gina knew, he'd gathered a group of family, who discussed what could be done, with the men making arrangements while the women provided grief-support and comfort for Gina. The very next day after this conversation with Gina's deceased ancestors and relatives, Gina's cousin told her that she'd found a house from a friend of hers that was available for her family to rent.
Gina's question to me is, “How is it Cynthia that I have never heard of anyone else experiencing this in such a real time way? And are they all ghosts hanging out in their old houses? Or is it like they’re in another plane that Looks like how it was when they lived? How can they see me and know what I’m thinking? What about people who go straight to heaven? I don’t understand how this is possible. Yet it’s becoming more and more a part of my daily life! And what they tell me proves itself to be true. Can you help me grasp where they are? And how they can see and hear ME? Did mom have something to do with this sudden ancestral connection? It literally began the day she died.”
Gina had not heard of anyone else doing this, although of course this is something I've done regularly over the years. One of my recent experiences involved my being interrupted on a rather busy day, on March 17, 2021, as I was preparing go get ready for our IMEC Open Tables episode the next day. I was scrambling at the 11th hour to prepare for a guest on our show, and was redoing all the power point slides. In the midst of all this business and mental focus, I was surprised to feel my childhood friend's (deceased) grandmother, Margaret Hall, whom I'd never met, getting my attention by asking me very softly if I'd like to include her photo in the family genealogical records. Well, of course I would! I'd never met this grandmother in person, since she'd passed away shortly after giving birth to my friend's mother. When I asked her what she had in mind, she indicated I'd be able to find it based on where she was at the time of the 1920 census. My initial reaction was skepticism, since she lived in a large metropolitan area at the time, and her last name, Hall, was common and ubiquitous–so wouldn't this be like finding a needle in a haystack? After all, that's why nobody had yet found her before. She reassured me that with my help, I'd find her photo in her high school yearbook with no difficulty. Because I loved her positive, charismatic energy so much, I set my afternoon tasks aside, taking a chance that maybe she was right, and she'd lead me to find that long-missing “needle in a haystack” of her yearbook and photo. And sure enough, she indeed directly me clearly to the correct part of the large metropolitan city. And what a jackpot I found! There were three more photos in that yearbook of her in performance in a play she starred in. When I reached out to inform my friend of this news, her phone line was uncharacteristically busy–but when I got through, I was thrilled to be able to share this wonderful news that felt so much like a grandmother's love for her grandchildren, arriving (as it turned out) at exactly a time when a grandmother's love–and long-lost missing photos–made all the difference!
when considering the relationship between timelines, Reality Shifts, and the afterlife, the common connection between all of these is awareness of conscious agency being integral to aspects of consciousness itself. All three of these topics make more sense from the perspective of recognizing that each individual is much more than their physical body, and each individual‘s mind is much more than their brain. There can be sensed and felt and known An identity as a being of conscious agency who is capable of contemplating decision points between timelines, and who can have continuity between physical lifetimes. From such an identity as being a pure conscious agent, One can benefit from wisdom, experiences, and knowledge that are accessible through meditation, contemplation, dreams, and prayer. Reality Shifts can then be known to occur when a person, in the form of conscious agent existing and pure consciousness, makes a jump from one reality to another. Timelines can be appreciated as Forks in the Road of life, which we can sometimes choose retroactively in ways that for example, might contribute to our experiencing mysterious spontaneous remission of some supposedly incurable condition.
Where do we go when we die?
For those of us who have a memory of being aware and conscious before we were born, in a state of being called born aware, by author Diane Brandon, it is possible to have a foundational sense of awareness based in a sense of being consciousness and awareness outside of ordinary space and time. With awareness of having come from a place of conscious awareness prior to existing in physical form, it is not that much of a leap to acknowledge there is a sense of intrinsic being this that transcends space and time. From such a starting point, we can envision the possibility that each and everyone of us is essentially timeless. And from such a perspective, it is not too big a leap to imagine that this is the same place, that is actually not a place, that we go when we die.
What, if anything, exists outside of the Simulation/Dreamtime?
One of the biggest questions we can ever ask is, “Why does anything exist at all?” This point was driven home to me by the philosopher Nicholas Rescher, whose excellent book, “Axiogenesis” is one of my favorite books. We often don’t give this question much thought, since we tend to presume that the material world is the foundation of reality itself, rather than questioning its existence. When we consider the idea that all of reality might be some thing a kin to a dream, we are viewing the world from a philosophical perspective that has been prevalent going back thousands of years into ancient indigenous wisdom, as well as ancient yogic teachings from India. there has been a long tradition throughout human cultures and civilizations acknowledging the ultimate reality that exist beyond space and time, in the form of what has been sometimes known as the dream time. The Australian concept of the dream time is one’s strong such example, where we can acknowledge that everything that exists first begins in and comes from the dream time.
When we go within, are we accessing outside of the Simulation/Dreamtime?
When we go within, to a state of meditation, it is possible to experience the cessation of thought, movement, and change. In meditative contemplation, it is possible to gain access to higher levels of self, operating outside of normal typical daily egoic consciousness. For those who do access these higher levels of conscious agency and conscious self, it is possible to engage in communication and conversation with other conscious agents, who have controlling access to various physical material beings, events, and forms. There exists such a thing as an experience of nothingness, where we can appreciate a formlessness that exists but he’s form, and a changeless nurse that exists as a foundation beneath change. this experience of nothingness is available to us through meditation, contemplation, and prayer. This experience of nothingness provides us with a glimpse of the true reality that supports all of space and time, yet exists outside of space and time.
What is the nature of everything that exists?
We tend to focus on those material forms, and events that we can measure, such that there is some degree of objectivity by which we can reach agreement. These measureables are actually somewhat limited, in the sense that the material realism model cannot accommodate most of the existence of things that we are actually living for. If you ask yourself what you were living for, it is highly unlikely that your authentic true answer whatever involve anything that can be absolutely measured in terms of its three-dimensional size, its shape, its weight, or its monetary value. Sometimes people go through phases where some of these things might be given as their answer to what they are living for, but typically as people grow and mature, they come to recognize that what they are really living for involves qualities that do not lend themselves to absolute material realistic measurements. And those same things that people would probably typically say they are living for, such as unconditional divine love, and peace, are so beloved it’s such a deep levels, that we can feel the probable truth that this indeed is the true nature of everything that exists.
Where is the Simulation/Dreamtime coming from?
The source of the simulation or dream time is one of the greatest mysteries, since intrinsically the answer is not knowable to us from outside of it, because we are so immersed within it. Our traditional sciences can only hypothesize as to the source of the Simulation / Dreamtime, since traditional science has no means to step outside of the Simulation / Dreamtime to experimentally confirm or discount various theories. From a purely intuitive sense, it feels to me that we might consider the Simulation / Dreamtime to arise from consciousness itself, which we are a part of. We seem to gain clues as to how we participate in mind-matter interaction through such experiences as synchronicity, deja vu, reality shifts, and the Mandela Effect. The Dreamtime / Simulation comes from Divine Source, Creator, God which we are all related to and connected with at a very deep level that transcends material realism, and is at the level of our pure conscious agency, spirit, or soul.
Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World
How Good Can it Get?
I hope you will join me in asking, “How good can it get?” in any and all circumstances, no matter may seem to be happening, so we may each individually and all collectively experience what is truly best for all.
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Brandon, Diane. Born Aware: Stories and Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth. Llewellyn Publications, 2017.
Larson, Cynthia Sue. “Comes True Being Hoped For.” PARABOLA: The Magazine of Myth and Tradition, Vol. 25, No. 1. (Spring 2000): 84-87 http://www.parabola.org
Novak, Michael. The experience of nothingness. Transaction Publishers, 1970.
Rescher, Nicholas. Axiogenesis: An essay in metaphysical optimalism. Lexington Books, 2010.
Tulku, Tarthang. “Time, space and knowledge. Emeryville.” (1977).
You can watch the companion video to this blog here:
Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of six books, including Quantum Jumps. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia is the founder of RealityShifters, and first President of the International Mandela Effect Conference. Cynthia hosts “Living the Quantum Dream” on the DreamVisions7 radio network, and has been featured in numerous shows including Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, One World with Deepak Chopra, and BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, “How good can it get?” Subscribe to her free monthly ezine at:
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