Source: Inspired
The simple part that most people don't understand is that every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our future. It's as though our thoughts go out into the universe and are accepted and brought back to us as experience. Now, that is a very simple thing but most people don't get it. They don't understand that. They've never heard it before and they think it's ridiculous.
But if you can really accept the fact that every time you think of thought and every time you speak a word, you are literally painting your future or making your dinner, whatever you want to call it. You are creating and you're creating your own life. And this is simple, but it's not easy to accept. But once you accept it, then, you can start deliberately creating what you want in your life.
Now, I think this has been around forever, but for some reason, in the last 20 years, the universe is wanted this to go out among all the people or all the people that are ready for it. See, most of us, just think think think, think think, think think and we don't pay any attention to what we're thinking, We just doing it. But that's something you need to train yourself to do: to begin to train yourself to be aware of what you're thinking.
And one of the ways to do that is to periodically say to yourself:
- What am I thinking?
- Would I like this thought to create my life?
- Would I like to have the experience that this thought could bring to me?
Now, it takes a while to do that. But even if we could begin on the smallest level to be aware of our thinking, we can start to make changes.
To begin with, you start by doing what we call doing affirmations. And that is making positive statements about your life, and you do them deliberately. You might do them in the morning. You might do them at noon. You might do them at night.
But you do this and you let this become a habit. And as you start to do them, things will begin to change. Maybe on a very small level. I call it getting the green lights from the parking places. I mean, they're not huge things in your life, but it can be very nice when you get three green lights in a row.
Doing an affirmation is either writing it down, writing it on the wall, or the mirror, or just saying it. What I like people to do is to stand in front of a mirror and do their affirmations because there's something very powerful about looking in your own eyes and accepting yourself. Or noticing that you reject yourself when you're saying something positive about yourself.
Say in the morning, you get up in the morning, you go to the mirror (and this is a big one and it's hard for lots of people), but you look in the mirror and say I love you. I really really love you.
And to begin with, that can be so hard for people because they think of all the things that they think are wrong with them. But if you can start your day saying that, it's very powerful. The universe is listening to everything you say and everything you think, and saying, okay, you can get that. So then it starts to bring you in and bring things into.
I know, this sounds far-fetched. But it's amazing how it works. If you do a good, general positive statement for yourself, the universe will figure out how to manifest that – how to bring that about in your life. So things could happen that you wouldn't expect at all, but they will happen.
If you think of doing your positive affirmations is like planting a seed in the ground. It's not necessarily true at the moment, but it is something you want to have be true. So you put the seed in and you expect it to grow. You maybe plant 3 seeds, just in case. You expect them to grow.
And you don't wait two days and then dig in the earth and say what's happening? What's happening? You expect that thing to grow because, you know, there's a law and a process and the seed will grow if it is in the right soil, and it has the right amount of moisture.
Making it really a habit and doing it every day, doing something every morning when you wake up, that's a really good time. And another good time is, when you go to sleep at night.
And gratitude works a lot just being grateful for everything. I always say the universe loves gratitude. The more you're grateful for what the good is in your life – the more good you get to be grateful about. The universe loves gratitude…