One of the most astonishing types of reality shifts is the phenomenon in which someone dies and is witnessed alive again. And without a doubt, the most stunning type of Alive Again experience is one in which you yourself are the person that people heard had died–and this year was the first time I heard from someone reporting that I had died.
I've researched numerous cases of people being reported dead, only later to be witnessed very much alive, with one of the earliest reports being that of the actor Larry Hagman, who was an actor in the TV show, “Dynasty.” I include that one in my book, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World, as well as my experience seeing my roommate's dead cat very much alive again.

My first Alive Again experience occurred in the 1980's when my neighbor's cat, Ashes, was run over by a car and killed… only to appear in my backyard a couple of weeks later! I was flabbergasted, to say the least. My husband reacted normally at first to seeing the cat, until I reminded him, “Ashes DIED a couple of weeks ago!”
My husband rubbed his chin and recalled more details, without any prompts from me. “Oh, yeah… he was hit by a car, wasn't he?” I spent an hour petting and talking with Ashes, since I never thought I'd see him again after he'd died. He had previously kept himself immaculately groomed (prior to being alive again), and he was a bit scruffier and greasier, as if he'd suddenly become a bit arthritic, and now had trouble washing himself and keeping his fur as fluffy and attractive as he had before.
I'd heard from my roommate that Ashes had died, after having been hit by a car, when I'd asked her where he was. I had been living in the same house with that roommate, Kathryn, and her cat Ashes, for many years, and then had moved directly across the street, where I'd been delighted to continue getting to visit with Ashes most every day. It occurs to me that having a bit of distance between my old apartment where I'd lived in the same house with Ashes, and my new apartment across the street may have provided just enough of a gap by which I could experience Kathryn telling me why I was no longer seeing Ashes come to visit in my garden–and then a couple of weeks later, be astonished to see Ashes alive again!
How I Received News of My Death
Imagine my surprise when I received an email this past month from someone named Steve, who said he had a very unusual experience that he wanted to share with me:
Hi Cynthia,
I have an unusual story to tell you in regard to the Mandela Effect. My name is Steve Boucher and I’m from St.Catharines, Ontario. I’m 63. I have had several occurrences of the Mandela Effect in my life over the years, but none like the most recent one. I watched your interview with Regina Meredith on Gaia TV and have been a fan of your work for a while now. Shortly after the interview with Regina, I decided to visit your Facebook page to learn more. Upon arriving at your Facebook page, I was greeted with a message from your husband stating that he regretted to inform us that you had passed away and that you had been ill for quite a while. I was shocked to read this news and immediately responded offering my condolences. I remember feeling this great sadness come over me, as I had very much enjoyed your work.
A month or so later, I noticed a new video of yours on YouTube and was amazed to see that it was a recent video. Then I started to notice more recent videos popping up on YouTube. It didn’t take me long to realize that you were still alive! I realized then, that I must have shifted to a different timeline in which you had not passed away. I knew then, that I had to write to you and tell you this story, as strange as it sounds. I am grateful to have shifted to a timeline in which you are alive and continuing to bring videos to the public about the Mandela Effect and time shifting. Hope you don’t think I’m crazy. I just had to tell you.
My response to Steve's email was:
Wow–that is a DOOZY of a reality shift! I am so glad you and I are both today in a reality where I am alive and well–and no, I don't think you're crazy. This is the first time I've heard from someone reporting that they'd seen believable evidence that I'd died, and then seen me alive again, yet it does bring to mind another related type of reality shift. I've heard from people who tell me that they are certain I did not exist previously in their experienced realities, since if I did, they would surely have come across my website and YouTube videos, yet I had not.
I've been interviewed twice now by Regina Meredith for GaiaTV, most recently with a show about high energy money that aired in early 2019. Since you are writing to me about this matter this year in 2019, am I correct in surmising that my death after long illness that you experienced was this year, in 2019? I'm also curious if you recall any other details.
I then received Steve's response in reply:
I don’t think I’ve seen the new high energy money video with Regina yet. I think this was shortly after the previous video you did with her. Although, it was in 2019 that I noticed this. I find in most of my observations of the Mandela Effect, often the memories are a little obscured. Sometimes it is difficult to clearly remember specific details. Another thing I have noticed, is that a certain number of the instances seem to center around the death of a person. I’ve also noticed that when these types of incidents occur, people associated with the event, seem to disappear and become very difficult to track down to ask them how they remember it. It’s almost as though when there is a reality shift, especially if it relates to a death, all the loose ends relating to the old timeline are mysteriously tied up, making it almost impossible to get confirmation. Have you noticed this? It’s almost as if there is some kind of intelligence cleaning up any evidence that things were different before the shift occurred.
How it Feels to be ‘Alive Again'
I have a clear sense that I've experienced Divine Love and Divine Grace. During the time I had been so ill, I was aware of the fragility of life. Realizing that I'm now in a unique position to know how it feels to be Alive Again, my first emotional responses are of great gratitude and thanks, with a sense of reverence. I have renewed my personal commitment to keep a pure heart, making a daily meditative and prayerful practice of requesting assistance from God / Divine Source to purify my heart and keep it pure, so that all I feel in my heart is a sense of Divine Love and Joy.
To me, this incident is a great deal bigger than most all the other types of reality shifts I report in the monthly RealityShifters ezine. And I feel very grateful to Steve and all others who felt I might die and had an adverse emotional reaction to that possibility. I know of two other friends who, in addition to Steve, also were aware that I might almost die at that time, about two years ago.
One thing I've noticed when having a “No!” reaction to hearing news of someone's death, to be followed later by them being alive again is that it's entirely possible that people connected through collective consciousness are making a kind of vote on the matter. I thus was especially grateful to hear news that some people were alive again after I'd heard reports of their death, including: Larry Hagman, Jane Goodall, and Benicio del Toro–and my roommate's cat, Ashes. While not everyone I hear of dying subsequently is alive again, I'm just grateful for those that I have experienced being alive again so far in my life. The reason I attribute such shared awareness and “No!” votes to altering reality is that I witnessed a similar effect once in my household when our beloved elderly family dog appeared to be getting cataracts. I noticed this on my own one day, and emotionally felt, “No! This can't be happening to our dear dog!” and almost immediately, his eyes looked bright and clear. Then my daughter told me one day, “Bad news about the dog.” I immediately inquired, “Is it about his eyes?” and replied that, “It sometimes looks like he's getting cataracts, but then we can feel we don't wish that to occur, and it reverses out.” A similar discussion then followed with my husband, and after that, none of us ever witnessed our dog's eyes clouding over again.
Because I've witnessed the benefit of shared collective consciousness assisting the wellbeing of others (such as my family with our dog's vision), I am now feeling grateful to all those who would not wish me to have died.
Mandela Effects Go Far Back in Time
In Steve's correspondence with me related to my being Alive Again, he raised the subject of changes to the Bible, going back thousands of years. Steve wrote:
There is one Mandela Effect that completely baffles me. It is perhaps the oldest one discovered. It would be the biblical scripture of Isaiah 11:6. I was raised as a Christian and have a strong Christian background. I left the church and abandoned Christianity over a decade ago, after reading some books by author Bart D. Ehrman on the origins of Christianity and the bible. But, that’s another story. The scripture found in Isaiah 11:6 has changed. I remember it reading that ‘the lion will lie down with the lamb.’ Now, it reads, ‘the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid…’ I knew that scripture well, so much so that I did a pastel painting of the scene once, with a lion lying down with a lamb. Ask anyone who knows the Bible well, and they will tell you that it was the ‘lion’ that lied down with the lamb, not the wolf.
I have looked up that scripture in many different versions of the bible and they all say the wolf will dwell with the lamb now. Even the oldest bibles now say this. I have a very old one that is falling apart. I bought it because the illustrations in it were done by Gustav Dore, who is one of my favorite artists. It reads the same way. This shows that the Mandela Effect can actually be retroactive, changing thousands of years of history. The implications of this are staggering.
Isaiah 11:6 (KJV)
6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.The passage above is one of the most well known and most quoted verses in the Bible yet some claim that this is correct. It is not! This verse should read, “The lion shall lie down with the lamb…”
It makes me wonder about time travel. Could it have been possible for someone to have gone back in time and influenced Isaiah to write the scripture differently? This is one possibility that might explain how something like this could change history and have a ripple effect that could completely rewrite history and many would never be aware of it.
I also recall the Bible passage about the lion laying down with the lamb, and recall having heard it exclusively mentioned that way, with no mention about a wolf lying down with the lamb. I know of an artist, Kimberly-Lynn Hanson, who recently had a Mandela effect gallery showing in which she invites viewers to consider how some Mandela effects may be ‘closer to truth.' These are presented like brain-teaser puzzles, and now that way of viewing Mandela effects has me wondering how it might be possible that a “wolf lying down with the lamb” might be closer to truth. When I think about this particular example, the first thing that comes to my mind is that wolves and lambs have often historically been found living closer together than lions and lambs. Lions are native to Africa, and their natural prey has historically consisted of wild animals such as gazelles, rather than tame farm animals such as sheep.
There appears to be no limit on how far back in time Mandela effects are capable of going, and this could go a long way to helping explain how our universe is so amazingly off-the-charts unlikely to have come into being ‘accidentally' or ‘randomly.' With such a built in collective consciousness ‘voting' mechanism as reality shifts and Mandela effects seem to provide, we begin to get a sense of how there truly is a hidden order of intrinsic goodness and consciousness operating everywhere, and every-when.
So yes, I do believe it's possible that the Bible can now have been written differently–and just about everything that's so far occurred can also have been done differently. I include a section near the beginning of my book, Quantum Jumps, about how our appreciation and understanding of quantum logic and how quantum jumps can and do occur is about to transform every field of study–including medicine and our courts of law, and not just constrained to various fields of science. We already witness that there have been sudden shifts in the evolutionary stages of plants and animals–and to me, quantum jumps helps explain the otherwise inexplicable typical lack of ‘missing links' along the evolutionary trails. Scientists have even witnessed in laboratory settings that, for example, lactose-intolerant bacteria have mutated in a single generation to suddenly, inexplicably, be able to digest lactose when that was their only source of food in their petri dish environments.
The clues that there might exist a science of miracles has been with us literally for millions of years–yet thanks to quantum physics, we are only just now beginning to fully appreciate what this actually means, and how it might really work.

Alive Again and Suddenly Appearing
Equally intriguing to me and possibly very related to these Alive Again reality shift experiences are those in which people seem to pop out of nowhere. I noticed that physicist Dr. Yasunori Nomura definitely didn't exist in my realities at the time I was researching and writing my book, “Quantum Jumps” in 2013, since I would have found his research papers and published works in the fields I was investigating, right alongside his colleague, Raphael Bousso, whose work I do cite in Quantum Jumps. I was able to tell Dr. Nomura this in person when I met him to chat and have tea after seeing him at a showing of the 2013 film, “Particle Fever” at UC Berkeley in 2014, and Yasunori seemed to appreciate the possibility that these sorts of macro-scale quantum events really can and do happen, and such might be the case with his sudden existence in my realities. I have been told by several people, starting around late 2010 that they were absolutely 100% certain I didn't use to exist in their realities prior to that time, since they definitely would have heard of me and my website and books and research–which at that point in time had been around for a decade.
I invite you to watch the companion video to this blog post at: