“Love is the answer and you know that for sure.” ~ John Lennon
Want to know how we can dramatically change our world for the better – quickly and easily? If so, then watch the video below. It's an interview with Dr. Amit Goswami, who is the author of many books that bridge science and spirituality including “How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization: A Few People Can Change Human Evolution.” (For an overview of Quantum Activism, read this important article: “Become a Quantum Activist.”)
In the video below, Dr. Goswami provides a solution to permanently rewire the brain circuits of the collective for LOVE. Pay particular attention to the last ten minutes of the video titled Dr Amit Goswami ‘Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Being Human', starting at the 50:15 minute mark (also, see the transcript below the video).
50:15 Iain McNay: How do you put this together – you’ve got this book “Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization” – how does this come together on a practical basis?
50:30 Dr. Goswami: This is, of course, I feel is the most important thing today for ALL thinking people, ALL feeling people, ALL people who want to integrate their lives – like I did – have to face up to… The faulty ideas of scientific materialism – that consciousness does not exist except as brain phenomenon and that matter is everything – what those ideas have done is to undermine those values that are the purpose of evolution, which is what makes living worthwhile.
51:05 Dr. Goswami: Consciousness gives us values. If you denigrate consciousness, then our values will automatically be denigrated. Does the brain have values? Material scientists have tried to bring values back in through evolution. But, they cannot do it because matter cannot process meaning, let alone values. These things are subjects of scientific proof today. We should give up on scientific materialism if we want to save civilization. Unfortunately, scientific materialism is very entrenched today. You have to realize that.
51:45 Dr. Goswami: But then, you have to recognize the power of activism.
52:00 Iain McNay: How is quantum activism a way forward when it seems, from our media anyway, that the way forward is a long way away – if there is one.
52:25 Dr. Goswami: This is what people need know. It [a way forward] does seem remote today. But, there are two answers. First of all, it seemed remote when two scientists, Descartes and Francis Bacon, were struggling against the power of the church. It seemed very remote then, didn’t it? So, it means nothing that it seems very remote. Several decades ago, it seemed remote that communism could ever break down in Russia.
53:00 Dr. Goswami: So, how the movement of consciousness works is actually by jolt – by surprises. This is what the nature of creativity is. So, that’s one answer…. It will be creative; it will be a revolution. It will be some kind of nudge. Big changes come abruptly, suddenly – even social changes.
53:20 Dr. Goswami: The other aspect, which should be very hopeful for everyone, is that it does not take very many people to do it. Rupert Sheldrake first had this intuition. He published several books in the 80s where he put forth the idea that only a few people are needed to change the collective, because changes that we make in our brain involves what Sheldrake calls morphogenetic fields. These fields are responsible in some way – I call them blueprints of biological forms.
54:00 Dr. Goswami: So, when we change the brain and make a positive emotional brain circuit of love (for example), the morphogenetic field …, which is the blueprint of that brain, becomes associated with love and will therefore it will become a loving morphogenetic field. It is a changed morphogenetic field.
54:15 Dr. Goswami: That change, I was able to show, Mark Mitchell and I, that change in the morphogenetic field is NOT stored in the brain, but is stored nonlocally. Quantum memory is nonlocal memory – outside of space and time – everywhere and nowhere. Since it is nonlocal memory, anyone on Earth, irrespective of time and space, can access it.
54:45 Dr. Goswami: The vision is that if enough of us become conscious that we need to change, which we are capable of (we are capable of the creative experience; we are capable of turning our creativity inward to create brain circuits of love), and we do it in communities and do it in groups in such a way that nonlocality will be facilitated [in that the morphogenetic field becomes conditioned with love]. These nonlocal fields are then available in the future and are used automatically, without effort, by everyone. So, we develop people to have brain circuits of love, which will propagate into the future through nonlocal means.
The nonlocal morphogenetic love fields will then cause the collective to permanently develop brain circuits conditioned for love.
Fascinating interview!
The first video is disabled and labeled as “private.”
Dear sir.
Are you still believe in your perception that – Jesus has got elevated to the level of – sadguru –
as you have mentioned in your book – God is not dead -?
In our system of belief – the term – sadguru – had more powers and surrender back everything to the God back.
The situation creates that the supremacy of God and his powers are controlled by – sadguru – and the – way of living – takes priority than just worshipping the God.
Do you find any conflict of interest in these perception of minds ?
I have just brought this to your kind attention and which I feel needs deep thinking
This may be a bit esoteric at first, but I think it is so important to take in, understand, and incorporate into our consciousness, if possible.