Have you noticed anything different in the ways you sense and experience the world? Some of us are starting to notice rather dramatic changes.
I feel blessed to work with mentoring and coaching clients who are sometimes early sensors and experiences of energetic shifts, and also with my fellow co-founders or the International Mandela Effect Conference. What some of us are noticing recently involve changes to our visual perceptions involving rainbow hues, and sparkling lights.
I’m hearing from some people that having existing physical, emotional, or energetic pain points and injuries can result in difficulty and additional pain in receiving these upgrades, so I recommend consistently asking my favorite question, “How good can it get?” Thanks to maintaining such radical optimism, additional support can arrive to assist with receiving energetic upgrades.
Blueprint for the Fifth World
This time of Great Awakening has been foretold by indigenous wisdom keepers, mystics, and spiritual masters for millennia. The Hopi described many signs that we are moving from the fourth world to the fifth, and they provide us with sage advice to keep our hearts open to love, and our kopavi (crown chakra) open to receiving divine inspiration.
The spiritual Masters and wisdom keepers explain that this natural progression from our old way of living to the New Golden Age, will be guided by unconditional divine love. This is a natural process, and a spiritual process, and therefore, we will do well to purify our hearts, and dedicate ourselves to our highest ideals and principles. Each of us has the opportunity to rise above emotional and even karmic drama.
Some people wonder what this new world, this fifth world, this new golden age will look like. We have been given enough information now, to know what this will look like, based on recognizing the way that we now can choose to either remain on the drama triangle, or make choices to evolve above Victim-Rescuer-Perpetrator.
Just as Buckminster Fuller created geodesic domes by recognizing that the triangle is the most stable building block, everything humans build can only be as good as their fundamental components. We can thus envision upgrading our old Drama triangle associated with conflict, wars, trauma, and strife with a new Shambala Triangle. We can build our new world on this foundation m honoring and recognizing all those who choose to keep hearts and heads open to divine unconditional love.
The new Shambala Triangle replaces traumatized victim consciousness with the spiritual strength of vulnerability of sincere authenticity; it replaces anxiety-ridden rescuer consciousness with heartfelt caring kindness; and it replaces righteous anger with the wisdom of deep listening.
Our society will be transformed as we each choose to transform ourselves, moving out of drama and trauma (Victim / Rescuer / Perpetrator) into kindness and love ( Sincere Authenticity / Caring Kindness / Listening Wisdom).

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been noticing sparkles dancing in front of me, down toward the ground, when I am walking outside. I wondered at first if this visual surprise might actually be a type of visual migraine, but I was able to rule that out by walking indoors and seeing this sparkling quality vanish. When I walked outdoors back into the sunny garden, I once again witnessed sparkles in front of me and down by the ground. I first saw them toward the bottom of my (white) front door, and then noticed them on the dark asphalt street, as I went on a walk in my neighborhood. I'm noticing something is going on with the angles of sunlight and the sparkles and rainbows effects. I'm seeing both with such dazzling clarity.
Some of us are now noticing that when we look at the sky, we can see rainbow colors on or near the clouds, or near the sun. There seems to be a softer light evident with pastel rainbow colors increasingly becoming noticeable in places where we'd never seen such beautiful colors before.
Shane Robinson and Christopher Anatra, two of my fellow IMEC board members and co-founders, have been talking about their experiences witnessing these colors near the sun for some time. Chris has seen rainbows shooting out of the sun near sunset, when the sun is near the horizon. Chris suggests the idea that upgrades related to our brain being the projector of our reality and our pineal gland being the lens, with our peripheral vision through our eyes allowing us to see the world at 60 frames per second–and upgrades related to all this could be causing the sparkle effect, possibly related to the pineal gland, or perhaps caused by Cryptochromes (magnetic sensors) in our eyes.
No Pain nor Injury
Another possible human evolutionary upgrade that I've been experiencing this past week is being injury and pain free when boiling water (at a high, full boil with tea kettle whistling at full strength) covered half of my left hand. I only felt minor pain from so much heat, and no redness, swelling, nor injury from this boiling water that I accidentally splashed from the tea kettle to my hand.
Before this happened, I'd received intuitive information that morning that a pain-free upgrade was available for humanity–and now I've directly experienced it. It's kind of mind-blowing when it happens to you personally! I've on occasion accidentally been burned by hot objects or boiling water, and always in the past I've needed to immerse the affected area with cold water. But not this time! I skipped any treatment protocol, since none was needed–though by all rights some kind of healing treatment would have been necessary.
Seeking some kind of rational explanation for this, one idea was shared with me by fellow IMEC board member and co-founder, Shane Robinson. Shane posited that in the moment that I saw boiling hot water splashing onto my hand I chose not to be burned by it–essentially making a quantum jump in that moment to a reality where the water is hot, but not so scalding that it would burn or blister or injure me in any way.
IMEC board member and co-founder, Christopher Anatra pointed out that not getting burned is something he's noticed himself, sharing that, “With all the time I've spent in the hot Polynesian sun, Caribbean sun, etc., I am not getting sunburned at all. My skin does get hot, but it doesn't burn.” Chris suggests the possibility that our plasma bodies are coming online, and the waters in our body may be upgrading to be of a plasma type frequency, where a certain amount of all the atoms are ionized.
Human Evolutionary Upgrades
We are well on our way now to starting to see that we truly can get some evolutionary upgrades that are every bit as good–or perhaps even better–than what Transhumanism has to offer. Thanks to paying attention to things like changes in our perceptual abilities, seeing rainbows and sparkles–and noticing that we might be developing protection against pain and injury–we can better envision how we can continue to live lives based on authenticity, kindness, and connection.
Revhumanism invites us to live true to our highest potential of embodying more wisdom than cleverness; more hope than cynicism; more humility than hubris; more empathy than apathy; and more reverence than insolence. Revhumanism represents a radical invitation for each of us to be the highest level embodiment of consciousness we wish to see in the world. When we see everyone and everything from the perspective of reverence, doors to adjacent possible realities will consistently open where there were no doors before.
You can watch the companion video to this blog here:
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Forrest, Lynne. Guiding Principles for Life: Beyond Victim Consciousness. Conscious Living Media. Jan 1, 2011. https://www.amazon.com/Guiding-Principles-Beyond-Victim-Consciousness/dp/0615401449
Larson, Cynthia Sue. “Comes True Being Hoped For.” PARABOLA: The Magazine of Myth and Tradition. Vol. 25, No. 1. (Spring 2000): 84-87.
Larson, Cynthia Sue. Ascension workshop. bit.ly/3q1rU2s
Larson, Cynthia Sue. Choosing Revhumanism in Apocalyptic Times. Oct 11, 2020. https://www.realityshifters.com/pages/revhumanism.html