When it comes to finances, we could all do with a helping hand. Many of us spend far more than we can afford to, and in some cases, far more than we need to. A huge number of people spend a fortune on bills despite the fact that they could probably bring the cost of their bills down. One of the biggest culprits is energy bills, with a lot of people spending crippling amounts on energy every month.
This is partly down to the fact that many of us waste a huge amount of energy without even realizing we are doing it. In fact, the amount of energy that is wasted is very worrying, not just in terms of the amount it costs but also for the environment. Making some changes to your home and your habits can help to reduce the amount you spend on energy, and in this article, we will look at some of the steps you can take.
Some Steps to Take
There are lots of ways in which you can reduce the amount of energy that is wasted at your home. While you may need to invest some money to put some of these steps into place, you can recoup this by improving thermal efficiency in your home. Some steps to help reduce energy bills include:
Get Insulation
One thing you should consider is getting key areas of your home insulated. As our infographic shows, a lot of energy can be wasted through areas such as the crawl space and the attic of your home. So, it is well worth getting these properly insulated as well as encapsulating your crawl space, as this can help to keep your home thermally efficient. This means you use far less energy to heat or cool down your property, which in turn means you spend far less on energy bills.
Switch Providers
Another very simple thing you can do is to look at switching your energy provider. Sometimes, just changing your plan or provider can slash the amount you are paying for your energy. There are some great deals out there for those willing to switch, so it is always worth taking the time to compare electrical rate options (in deregulated states only) and sign up with a pre-qualified lower-cost supplier.
Get Double Glazing
Another great way to maintain the thermal efficiency of your home is by getting double glazing for your doors and windows. This not only looks modern and attractive, but it also helps to keep the climate in your home comfortable and keep noise outside. It can even help you to sell your home more quickly in the future if you decide to move.
Layer Up During Winter
The final thing to do is layer up in the winter rather than cranking up the thermostat. Just a small increase on the thermostat can end up cost you a lot of money, so try to resist the temptation to do this.
These are all ways in which you can help to bring the cost of your energy usage down.