You must have seen hydraulic cylinders being used in various industries and factories. Indeed they have many sources of applications in various commercial uses.
The hydraulic cylinder has a hydraulic mechanism for pulling objects. It has an actuator that is used for applying liner forces using a piston which is attached to one end of the hydraulic cylinder.
The best part of using the hydraulic pull cylinder is that it can be used for uplifting many heavyweight objects and items in the industry.
This means that even if the load to be lifted has a few tonnes of weight you can easily use it for lifting items with a much lesser amount of pull force on the piston.
Knowing the puling mechanism of pneumatic hydraulic cylinders in a bit more detail
A pneumatic hydraulic pull cylinder can apply forces on OEM equipment of all types. Using the pull force can be used to force pull objects within a cylinder. Now the pull action or mechanism of the piston can be variedly used in industries to create other effects such as lifting, lowering, rotating, or revolving objects at will. This is rather simple to carry out and can be easily done by applying varied amounts of loads to create a movement within the load.
The other thing about the hydraulic pull cylinder is that it can be used to generate good amounts of velocities of the load or the object within the cylinder. This can be done while also preventing the cylinder to cause minimum damage to the outer surface of the piston.
Using the hydraulic pull cylinder you can easily allow the system to stall in case the load is too much. This prevents the equipment or the hydraulic cylinder from damage.
And it is needless to say that they are manufactured on a customized basis according to the needs of the industry since a hydraulic pull cylinder has varied uses in so many industries.
Now the advantages that we discussed above to pull loads within the cylinders have not been explained in detail.
So let’s get to know them in full detail which will clarify all your doubts.
What are the benefits of using a hydraulic cylinder for load lifting in industries?
The best 5 benefits of using a hydraulic pull cylinder have been given below for your reference-
Providing higher speed
The benefit of using a hydraulic cylinder to pull weight over and above an electromagnetic cylinder is the speed and efficiency at which the load can be lifted. Using a larger hydraulic pump you can achieve higher speeds of load lifting. The mechanisms that are applied for lifting loads are free from the speeds and this is why speed is not dependent on what is the amount of load to be lifted.
Achieving better accuracy and precision
There are many components whose sole action is to provide better accuracy and precision while lifting loads and even while placing them. There are some industries where precision matters the most and it is best to use a hydraulic pull cylinder for load upliftment during such cases. The better precision and accuracy in the hydraulic cylinders can be attributed to hydraulic oil and servo valves. It can hit targets within a very precise range and lift them.
Less power and efficient cost savings
The power ratings to run a hydraulic pull cylinder are low. But the force it can generate is very high.
For smaller purposes they are still operated manually within a lot of industries. But for higher and heavyweight load-lifting the mechanized hydraulic cylinders have their pistons attached electrically to cables that control them through a set of buttons and switches.
The fact that the use of hydraulic cylinders allows higher cost savings is one of the critical parameters that they are used across industries both larger and smaller in size.
Good adaptability to adverse industrial conditions
Even during the tough and highly adverse conditions, a hydraulic pull cylinder can serve you appropriately. This is why they are the go-to choice for many industries within the commercial sector.
They have really good adapting capabilities to sustain higher heat, higher humidity, and even external conditions. The best part is that the cylinder can be customized to be heatproof or shockproof thus preventing any damage to the load inside the cylinder.