How can you find enough time for studying? If you are a student, it’s not a secret that professors require you to complete many different tasks. Some of them can distract us from studying the important disciplines. For example, you may need to write a research proposal, but you don’t have enough time with all of your other assignments. In this case, you can order a student research proposal example that will help you deal with this task faster. However, this is not the only secret in finding time for studying. There are a few more that we will talk about further.
Homework is the main part of your education. The only problem is that even with the support of mentors, only 30% of students complete all tasks on time. Why is this so? Let’s sort it out together and guide the situation towards personal success.
Why do we put it off for later?
We need to make a schedule, but instead scroll through the Facebook feed; you need to listen to the lecture, but instead check your mail; you need to do your homework, but for some reason gifs with cats steal your attention. Does this sound familiar? In fact, 95% of students will answer “yes,” while the remaining 5% can be congratulated – they are really unique people.
Psychologists cannot give a definite answer why students postpone classes and do not finish homework on time. But they offer several theories and solutions.
Time is limited
What determines the success of finding time? It is all about the significance and importance of the goal specifically for you. If the goal is valuable and it needs to be achieved, then the question of priority does not even arise. When you really want to finish studying and get all the theoretical and practical information as soon as possible, then time is sure to be found.
The main task is to set priorities in time and deal with things that take your time. Here are the TOP 4 reasons why students do not do their homework on time:
A lot of work – students need to combine work with study.
Family comes first – students need to take care of family.
Unforeseen circumstances –some unexpected situations arise.
Laziness – procrastination is the main problem here.
When there is a lot of work
Keep a reasonable proportion of work and study. Nearly 10% of the time can be “taken” without risk from their main work and devoted to studies.
How do we manage this?
Reach an agreement with yourself: explain how 40 minutes of working time allocated for studying can improve your skills or help find a solution to an existing problem at work.
Do your homework or listen to a lecture on the way to work (in the subway) or during lunch.
Delegate your tasks to assistants or partners, while agreeing on this in advance.
Before starting the course, review the deadlines for tasks (plan, schedule), as you may be able to find an opening in the schedule.
Try to find your own option on how to combine studies and work successfully.
When family comes first
Family is important for everyone, and yet a solution is attainable. If you understand that learning now is a really important task for you, tell your relatives and friends about your plans.
What should you do?
Describe the value of studying and its prospects for the future not only for you, but for the whole family.
Agree on family and study plans for the week or month in advance.
Agree on changes in home or childcare obligations.
Ask loved ones to take you over when appropriate.
Try to find your option to allocate time for studies and family.
When unforeseen circumstances arise
Often, a sharp change in situation leads to three things – changing plans, finding a new solution, and putting things off for later. Influencing or foreseeing them is difficult, but with a critical analysis and creative thinking, the situation can be saved (we are not talking about diseases, fires, robberies, or other types of force majeure).
What should you do?
The ability to say “no” helps a lot: “no” to attending a conference you do not need; “no” to your TV show, the continuation of which releases this week; and “no” to everything that can prevent you from realizing your plans.
In a situation of unexpected visits of relatives, persuasions and pleas help. For example, notify your beloved mother-in-law that you will not meet her personally, but get her a taxi at the station – these 50 minutes can go to your education and not for traffic jams.
If something in the house breaks, even if the damage is insignificant, call the repairman. The specialist will save your time and nerves.
If your daughter brought home a cat from the street, entrust her with the task of finding videos on YouTube on how to get rid of fleas. You have a couple of free minutes from completing the task.
Try to find your own option on how to quickly deal with unforeseen circumstances.
When laziness appears
According to one American study, over 70% of students procrastinate doing homework in all available ways: they tidy up the room, read books, and communicate on social networks. We do the same. Often there are two reasons for this: either the task is too complicated, so you should not even bother, or we just don’t know where to start.
It is better to prepare for the risk of procrastination in advance.
What should you do?
Enlist the support of a person (friend, colleague) who is well versed in the field. When discussing, you yourself will be surprised at how quickly you find answers to questions.
Make a list of small gifts that you can treat yourself to after each completed task. Choose gifts that are worthwhile and important.
Add the game and excitement to the learning process. Make a bet with a friend – if you do not complete all the homework, give him or her $50. This will encourage you to meet the deadline.
Try to find your own option of solving this problem.
No matter how ideal our theoretical knowledge is, we will still encounter problems that are not mentioned in textbooks. And we will make decisions that no one has ever guessed about. This is the path to success.
And in order for the article to be useful for you, spend the next five minutes writing your personal risk management plan for the duration of your studies. As you know, a theory without practice is dead, even if there are tips on how to do your homework on time.