Online mediums have made it easier to find out information about people you don’t personally know. It could be a dangerous situation involving the person that can be handled wisely if you are able to look them up and see who they are. In the past, you would have to access public information office to find records about a person and could take weeks or months before you would land on something useful. However, it is much easier now with online websites available to the masses. Here are some tips on how to find information about a person:
Collecting Data
Before you start your online search, you should have a few details about the person in front of you. Perhaps you have a phone number or the person’s full name. These things are the most helpful when you want to dig up information regarding an individual. Therefore, start by accumulating any prior information in one place.
Initiating Research
Once you have gathered information, you can initiate your research through online search engines. If you fail to find something useful on Google, you can go to alternative search engines like Bing, or Gibiru etc. Many times chunks of information that will not show up on Google search might come up on alternative search engines helping you grab on the strings.
Social Media Platforms
Social media also provides you the opportunity to look up information about a person through email address or the person’s name. Facebook and Twitter are especially handy social media platforms which can offer further details about a person. Always check through these websites when you are doing your research about someone.
Open Data Websites
There are also established open data websites which can be helpful when you want to look up information about some individual. There are several websites which can be used for this purpose. Few of them include:
1) Government Websites
Countries like UK and USA have established websites which provide information about individuals online. You can access public data through these sites to find private information like birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce notice and more.
2) Zabasearch
A famous platform that you can use is Zabasearch where you might come across a number of important details about the person you want to know about. Moreover, most of the information you find here might be free and you don’t have to pay. If you happen to come across something useful, note it down and enter it in another platform.
3) Pipl
Pipl is one website which is comprehensive enough for anyone to be able to access information quickly. You can use a username or phone number to find people through Pipl. This helps you find data even when you lack too much of information about the person you are after.
It has become quite an easy task to legally access data of an individual online. These websites are helpful in many cases for people around the world. People is a similar platform that offers the service of finding people’s information online.