A garden is almost like the centerpiece to your home, so it’s only natural that you might to make sure your gardens thrive. Creating a thriving garden can be tough, especially if you don’t have the time to commit to the upkeep and maintenance. Instead of getting a gardener in, which will cost you an arm and a leg, try creating a self-sustaining garden that does all the heavy lifting. There are many ways to create a self-sustaining garden that will thrive all year round. To get started on your creation, use these easy tips.
Water management
Everyone knows that the hardest part of maintaining a thriving garden at your home is the watering. Too much or not enough, too often or too infrequent, these are all the challenges you will face. To create a self-sustaining garden, install a drip irrigation system. Drip irrigation is a simple way to water your gardens without having to pick up a watering can or a hose. Water is simply distributed to your garden bed via tubes that release small amounts of water so your plants receive the nutrition they need when they need it. Drip irrigation lowers the risk for things to go wrong, including overwatering. Take the guesswork out of managing your garden by creating a self-sustaining garden that effectively feeds itself.
The right stuff
A great garden has to first start with the right stuff, the soil. For a great self-sustaining garden, you want to make sure you get the right ingredients into the soil. The best solution for a long-term return in your garden is compost. Compost can be made yourself or purchased and is a gardens best friend. Adding compost to your soil helps keep moisture and nutrients where they are needed most. Take the time to add compost every so often to your garden and be amazed at the way your garden will thrive and continue to sustain itself for years to come. For only a small investment of time and effort, your garden can transform into the centerpiece you dream of.
Natural water
Another great tip for building a self-sustaining garden is to make sure you are prepared to source natural water. Relying on sourced water, can be troublesome and also increase your water bill quite a bit. To ensure your garden can be truly self-sustaining, the best tip is to install a rainwater tank so you always have a source of fresh water, so long as it rains of course. Rainwater is a great way to lowering your impact on water stores and make your garden truly self-sustaining. Rainwater tanks are very useful for watering your grass as well as even washing your car. What might seem a somewhat large expense will pay for itself in no time at all.
Protecting your garden
The key to a self-sustaining garden is avoiding those pesky creepy, crawly insects and bugs that can take over your garden. To create an even stronger garden for the long-term, protect your garden with swinging nets or protective shields. The shields themselves can be made out of various materials including wire or netting and installed with ease to help keep any insects, bugs, birds or even possums out of your garden.
Creating a truly breathtaking garden takes work and can sometimes require a lot of upkeep, but it doesn’t have to if you play it smart. You can create a beautiful self-sustaining garden that is low effort and high reward with a few simple solutions. To take the effort out of managing your garden, try implementing these tips to creating a self-sustaining garden at your home.