Vaporizers consist of two main parts; the atomizer (or tank) that holds your heating coil to create the vapor, and the “mod” which holds the battery and, sometimes, the circuitry needed as the power source. which powers the tank and create the needed heat in the coil.
The Atomizer tank consists of a metal coil surrounded by loose cotton or cotton wicks. The cotton soaks the liquid which is then burned using the coil. Depending on the tank, you can either purchase pre-made coils or buy wire and cotton and make your own.
Tanks are also categorized on their resistance and the amount of voltage they can handle. They’re also differentiated based on MTL (mouth-to-lung) and STL (straight-to-lung) inhaling, both of which offer different experiences depending on your preference.
The mod, on the other hand, has a little more variety when it comes to types. You have digital mods, which allow you to control the resistance and voltage based on your preference and are built with a safety chip to prevent overheating. Depending on the number of features and options, you may need a device that requires a large battery or sometimes even more than one battery at a time.
Then you have mechanical mods that are composed of a closed circuit and do not have any variable voltage or resistance options. The power output simply depends on the voltage of the battery in the mod and the resistance will be based on your coil’s specifications.
Power outputs for semi-mechanical mods are determined by the resistance of the coil. What’s important to remember is that you can’t let the voltage of your battery drop below 3V as the battery will drain. These mods do not come with battery protection and you’re likely to damage your battery in the process.
If you’re looking to build your own custom box mods, chances are they won’t have any electronics which would monitor excess current or other safety features. Unless you’re an electronics expert, your device is bound to be a little risky. It’s better if you use box mod kits available in the market so you have the right equipment to build your device.
There are also some safety considerations to take into account with such a device. Never leave your device in a car parked in the sun as there’s a risk of overheating and spontaneous combustion. Make sure you’re using a battery that is approved for electronic cigarette usage. Your switch and internal wiring should be able to handle the maximum rated battery current. A prudent move would be to include a fuse and power offset to handle high currents.
One precaution you should ALWAYS take when it comes to custom box mods is noting the resistance of your atomizer and ensuring that it's compatible with your battery. One of the biggest issues you hear on the news about these mods is the spontaneous combustion and hazardous situation they create. This is caused by a low coil resistance which not only draws excessively high currents but also damages the battery and can even melt the wiring. In extreme situations, the device can catch fire and cause a lot more damage.