You may have been preyed upon by an energy vampire and have not been aware as it was happening as others are feeding off of your energy. This can and does often occur as a direct result from your emotional reactions.
What is really happening when someone gets a positive or negative reaction from you? They very well may be feeding off of your energy as you react to what they say and do. Energy vampires very rarely are aware that they are feeding off another's energy. This is not to say that you are not allowed to react to the events of other people's lives. It is important to recognize when there is a repetitive pattern occurring as you observe the need for validation and or approval from others in regards to their life choices and events.
One of the most common places that energy vampires hang out is on social media. Facebook for example, is a place where many post photos, quotes, vent and share the events of their lives. People often post in order to receive a reaction and will often check in to see how many and who liked their post. It is not uncommon for many to use social media in this way. Now some of you may be saying to yourself: “That is me sometimes!” Chances are we have all done this in the past, but now that we have a deeper understanding of an energy vampire, hopefully we will not use social media in this way in the future.
The Signs of An Energy Vampire
- It is exhausting to be around them
- There is a crisis only a daily basis
- They very rarely take the advice they seek
- They often play the victim and martyr
- Often say and do things to get a rise out of others
Be Proactive
- Work on your neutral reactions
- Avoid interaction with them an or limit your time with them
- Try not to go into rescue mode
- Do your best to not be attached to their outcome
- Send silent prayers to those who are needing extra validation and attention or even see this person happy, smiling and content with their lives
The bottom line is that energy is a commodity and we only have so much for ourselves, let alone freely giving our energy to others. Protect your energy, watch your reactions and maybe even think twice before you post anything on social media.
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Laurie Barraco is a professional intuitive counselor, medium, author, recording artist, teacher and the owner of The Mystical Moon, a healing center in Fort Myers, Florida. Laurie offers readings, courses and healing products through The Mystical Moon Online Store. You can connect with her at The Mystical Moon Facebook Page.
Click here for articles written by Laurie
Good read lol