Loans come in different forms. There are long-term loans and short-term credit facilities taken for emergency cases. A payday loan is a short-term credit facility taken by borrowers to meet immediate needs before the next payday. They are usually issued in small amounts but come with hefty charges due to the high risks involved. There is nothing used as collateral hence the high feels and must be paid back during your next pay. In most cases, they are payable in two or four weeks after the time of issue.
Payday loans should be the last option for anyone looking for financial help. This is because they are expensive and can at times be hard to pay back. In most cases, they may cost you a lot more through fines and chargeable interests. Therefore, borrowers are advised to confirm the much they will get and the fees associated with such a loan before taking it.
Applying for a Payday Loan
A payday loan works differently from conventional bank loans and other facilities from other financial institutions. It can be applied online or via a physical branch of the lender. There are laws and regulations governing the application and issuance of payday loans. These vary from one region to another. These regulations define the amount of money you can borrow and the fees that a lender can charge you. Ideally, you can only borrow what you can afford. In some places, you may not be allowed to take these types of loans.
Upon the approval of a payday loan, you may get cash, a check or get the money through a bank deposit into your account. The loan term is usually within two weeks or by your next payday. The loan amount and accrued interest are payable in full as at that date. It is important to know that payday loans tag along with a finance charge. This is usually based on the amount of loan applied for. Due to their short-terms, payday loans attract a high-interest rate. Even with the hefty charges, many people are taking this type of loan for settling financial emergencies.
Qualifying for Payday Loans
Anyone can get this type of loan upon meeting basic requirements. Unlike in other types of loans, there isn’t much documentation required and neither do you need good credit to take them. They are high-risk loans hence the reason why they attract such hefty charges. Looking at its nature, it may be the only loan type that could help you in an emergency situation despite the costly terms.
Getting a payday loan is easy. A payday lender will issue the money to you upon your application within a day or so. This is for the reason that there isn’t much documentation needed. In some cases, payday lenders will not even require proof of how you will payback. It is a completely different scenario from happens in other financial lending institutions. Basic requirements for the loan application include a bank account and identification.
Most commonly issued loan amounts are within the range of $400 payable within two weeks. However, they range from $50 to $1000. Again, this depends on the laws defied by your state. Borrowing is allowed in capped amounts with some exceptions. Therefore, this information is important for any borrower to know to understand the much they can borrow and the repayment thereof. The rates of interests may range from 10% to 30% for every $100 borrowed plus other fees. This will be disclosed to you prior to agreeing to the loan. Know how much your loan costs before applying for it.
When due, the payday loan is repaid in one payment on the next paycheck. Terms vary among lenders hence the need to ask for a specific date of repayment to be on the safe side. It is payable through a postdated check, online, from another credit facility, direct debit from your account or a check on payday.
Final Thoughts
Getting a payday loan is easy but it can be expensive. Therefore, it is important to only take this type of loan when you are in dire need. All you need is personal identification, an active bank account and steady income.