Change is all around us and it happens whether we like it or not. However, change doesn’t always mean progress. In fact, many societies don’t seem to be moving in the right direction.
After all, we live in the 21st century and have the advantage of amazing technological advancements. However, we still have armed conflicts, child labor, poverty, areas without access to clean water, and more of the same. There is a clear discrepancy between advanced societies and the rest.
But, with the right tools and government support, things start to slowly change in developing societies as well. People receive help, food, access to medication and water, but one of the most powerful drivers of progress is access to education.
As Nelson Mandela said, “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” According to him, education is the only tool that can help reduce poverty, eliminates gender inequality, and fosters peace.
However, even though education is taken for granted by so many people, there are still extensive regions in the world where people don’t have access to proper tutors and can’t afford the necessary resources.
Luckily, with the spread of Internet access even in the most remote areas and people’s hunger for technology, we also have a new path towards education. Due to the multitude of e-learning platforms available right now, everyone can take online courses and get a degree on a topic that’s of interest to them.
Change the World One Lesson at a Time
Online education is designed to be flexible and easily accessible, changing the paradigm of learning. The courses are created to allow students the possibility to learn at their own pace while applying their own methods.
So, if you are an adult in a developing country and can’t afford to attend school in the traditional way (or don’t have the possibility), you can still get an education by enrolling in online education. This way, you can learn according to your own schedule and you have access to a wider range of resources and teachers than local education could offer.
Furthermore, some platforms also allow students to attend classes offered by famous universities such as Stanford, Princeton, or even Harvard.

But the opportunity offered by e-learning platforms is not just for individuals who want to get specialize in a specific field and get a better job. The most important aspect of this opportunity is that it opens a wide door for those who want to learn and apply their knowledge in their communities, thus improving the lives of many others.
There are people interested in learning how to be better health providers or how to create a better political system. Also, there are students who want to master the law and use the knowledge to reduce problems such as racism, inequality, or keep people away from tyrant leaders.
Overall, education is not just a way to sharpen one’s mind and secure a better paying job, it’s a way to change the world and participate in creating a peace-oriented society led by knowledge and not oppressed by fear or impoverished by poverty.
About the Author
Oli Kang
Oli is a working mum who has a passion for teaching and all things educational. With a background in marketing, Oli manages the digital channels and content at Courses.com.au.