As the Sun in Sagittarius combines with lively Mercury, this can be a time to explore the bigger picture while also cherishing the details.
A conversation could expand our options in wonderful ways, and may give us the chance to do something that is truly exciting. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 13th December 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 13th December 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A desire to adopt an independent course could be a reason that you might ignore advice from others and prefer to listen to yourself. However, with the restless qualities of Uranus in the mix, this urge could lead you to act on impulse and perhaps to turn down the chance of an important conversation. Giving someone your time could benefit you in more ways than one though.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may be undecided about an issue, even though you know it might be good for you. If you have been hesitating about taking a step that could mean the end of one situation or phase of life and a movement into a new one, then this restless feeling could increase over coming days. You could find over the next week though, that certain events do conspire to encourage you forward.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
It is possible that someone may have had quite an influence on your life over the past two years, and that their words and actions may have shaped your decisions in important ways. You may find though, that as prudent Saturn prepares to leave your relationship sector next week, this association could begin to seem less pivotal or that it could change in other key ways Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It may seem that for some time you have had your work cut out for you, and that just as one task is finished more could appear to replace it. However, it would also be no surprise if you felt a little weary of what can seem like non-stop effort. This can be a call to look at your schedule Cancer, and if you feel moved to reorganize key aspects, this is very much the time to do so.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If a creative project or relationship has involved a lot of time and attention, then you may now begin to reap the fruits of your efforts. The coming week can be a time of culmination when you might complete a goal or feel that you have reached a significant milestone. Bearing this in mind, this can also be an excellent time to tie up any loose threads and to resolve niggling issues.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With a lively line-up in your sector of talk and thought Virgo, you may be enjoying the chance to catch up with old friends and make new connections, especially over this festive season. As the Moon in this same sector aligns with feisty Mars though, listening to your sixth sense can pay dividends, especially if you feel an urge to call someone up and you act on this intuitive nudge.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you have been uncertain about a key issue, then it is possible that this mood could continue for some days yet. However, your horoscope suggests not dwelling on it if you can help it, as there could be better options open to you if you are prepared to look in new areas. You might also find that the past holds the key to understanding, and that an old friend could prove very helpful Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
While lively Mercury continues its retrograde phase, this can be an excellent time to recycle items that you no longer need and to make space in your home or office for new things to come your way. Investigating any clutter hot spots could reveal a treasure trove of items that you might want to sell, or that you had forgotten you owned. And you could find energy levels increase too Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The coming days can be an opportunity to reset your priorities and to reconsider your plans. If you have not made progress yet, then this can be a good time to be honest with yourself about whether they are working for you or not. It might even be a relief to let go of one that could have caused much frustration, and to turn your attention to something you really enjoy Sagittarius.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With a line-up in your sector of spirituality and self-improvement, the coming weeks can be an opportunity to look back at all you have accomplished, and at how far you have come regarding your sense of emotional satisfaction. If you have managed to move beyond certain limiting beliefs and this has led you to do more, then you have every right to feel very proud of yourself.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Friends and your social life in general seem to play a pivotal part in your plans over this festive time, and with a positive blend of energies in this zone, the coming days can certainly sparkle. However, with the Moon linking to stirring Mars in your zone of ambition, it is possible that a conversation could inspire your competitive side today and encourage you into the limelight.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As cautious Saturn traverses the last degree of your sector of ambition Pisces, you may have the chance of an opportunity that you have been considering for some time, especially if it might enhance your image or reputation. You could find, on further reflection though, it might have lost its original appeal and that your thoughts may have already moved onto other, newer ideas.

Our Astrologer Patrick Arundell has been a professional Astrologer since 1998. Patrick has a real passion for astrology and sees it as a tool which can help any person to gain greater personal awareness, to better guide their life moves. Patrick is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and his work appears on websites and in magazines and newspapers, globally. You can enjoy Patrick's forecasts every week on CLN. To learn more about his astrological, tarot and psychic services, please visit his website or get yourself a FREE 12 Month Personal Horoscope @