As delightful Venus makes an awkward angle to restless Uranus we could find it difficult to settle and may be in need of scintillating company.
This can be a good time to explore social possibilities within a group or club that may have attracted our attention. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 15th June 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 15th June 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You could get excited about the possibilities associated with an ambitious idea, but there may also be some downsides to consider too that could stand in the way of progress. If you dwell on them for too long you could decide that they are too big to conquer, when this might not be true at all. Even if obstacles do show up, with just a little confidence and perseverance, the way can open up for you.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Friends can have an influence on you, and there are times when their words may prove seductive. Furthermore, they might tempt you away from matters that are important and into activities that are enjoyable, but not so productive. However, there may be one person in whose company you feel great and it may be someone who encourages you to be uniquely yourself.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The cosmic picture suggests taking extra care with your finances as there may be a tendency to splurge, while a more sobering aspect hints that you might be better to go easy over coming days. A desire for something different could tempt you to splash out on an item or experience for the fun of it. However, keeping your money in the bank may be the wiser course for now.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Should you tell another what they want to know, or need to know? With the current nebulous focus blurring the facts, you might be tempted not to fully reveal your thoughts. Nevertheless, you could be faced with a worse dilemma if you go down this route. Being honest may be helpful even in inconvenient, as you can't then be accountable for anything that occurs as a result.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Are you making use of all your resources? The current planetary backdrop suggests you might not be. Indeed, you may feel you are lacking in certain areas, and it's this awareness that could hold you back. Mind, an aspect involving the artistic vibe of Venus offers another perspective, which is that with a little creative thinking you may be able to turn a disadvantage into a big advantage.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The more you try to push for an outcome, the more things might head in the opposite direction. The same can be said of people too, with one person in particular seeming to resist your suggestions. It could be easier to go with the flow and to see where this takes you Virgo. Your horoscope hints that an openness to what is happening naturally might bring a far more satisfying outcome.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you are having difficulty acting on a positive idea, then it may be because some part of you doubts that you can finish it. It doesn't have to be too ambitious either but can be something simple like learning a new skill, so you can move ahead with confidence. Making a daily commitment and sticking with it no matter how you feel could soon bring the changes you seek.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With exuberant Jupiter in your sign continuing to forge a link to the ethereal Neptune this can be a fine time for art, crafts, music and even romance. Your imagination may be fired up and able to assist you in creating beauty and harmony. And with the Moon linking to Neptune too, you might be in the mood to visit a place that brings back happy memories or to embrace a more spiritual dimension.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you have fallen in love with a certain place, then visiting it can help you to feel relaxed and recharged and perhaps more at peace with yourself. Over coming days, you may be drawn back perhaps as a way to regain your sense of self, particularly if your efforts to get things done have been disrupted by unexpected events. If you are needing a space to unwind it could be perfect.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Making important decisions could be difficult, as you may find it hard to separate feelings from facts. Should you go with your head or your heart, Capricorn? On balance, it may be best to do neither for now and to bide your time. You may be missing key pieces of information or have been given misleading facts. Within a few days you may feel confident enough to move ahead.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As creative Venus angles towards unpredictable Uranus in your family zone, trying to please one person could miff another, even though unintentional. In the end, it may be better to focus on doing what is best for you and leave others out of the equation. On another note, the Moon's tie to powerful Pluto in a secluded sector can intensify feelings about an important issue.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With eloquent Mercury making an awkward tie to cautious Saturn a friend may be reluctant to take your advice. Although you might have more experience, this aspect can make them resistant to your suggestions. It is likely that nothing you say will change their mind while they feel this way, so it may be best not to push it. Besides, time may prove you right in the end Pisces.

Conscious Life News Astrologer Patrick Arundell has been a professional Astrologer since 1993. Patrick has a real passion for astrology and sees it as a tool which can help any person to gain greater personal awareness, to better guide their life moves. Patrick is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and his work appears on websites and in magazines and newspapers, globally. Enjoy Patrick’s forecasts every day on CLN. Learn more about Patrick or order one of his Personal Horoscope Reports based on your Time, if known, Date and Place of Birth here