Let, flow, ease, allow…
These are all words of healing, of being whole. When we stop the natural flow, stagnation/blocks occur. Intense pressure is another flow block. Think of water, how the tide comes in and out, how the current moves quickly or slowly in a river, or how the wind moves the waters on a lake. Flow is essential to well-being. Just as storms arise and the water moves furiously, churning violently at times, we also experience such disturbances throughout our lives. They are not out of the ordinary, they occur naturally. When we allow them to continue, they run their course, and soon the flow is rhythmic again. Ease, natural progression, rest, alignment are the breaths of life. Allowing is the key.
As human beings, it's time to wake up!
We may have become accustomed to not being aware of this life force in us, around us and through us. We may not be aware of just how much control we have in the flow. Our memory has failed us because our physical sensations are strong and often override our intuitive nature. We become conditioned by the thoughts, standards and driving forces keen to our five senses. It is time to wake up! It is time to move beyond what we sense physically to what we feel on the inside, beyond what we have been conditioned to feel. Sometimes we have an inkling there is more, it calls us…we listen and get a sense of knowing there is more. But it is fleeting and we just can't get a grasp on it. How do we get that back, that knowing? That deep understanding that surpasses the physical to a plane of existence that is much higher? A plane more fulfilling, soaring to new heights of exhilarating calmness, bliss, to a state of thriving.
It isn't work. It's not a struggle. It's not in the “how” to do so.
It is in the allowing of the flow. It is in the creative, not the competitive. It is in the simple, not the complex. It is in the joy, not the fight. It is in the expansiveness, not the convoluted. It is also in the drive, the unquenchable desire to move forward, to dare, to go, to be courageous, to be filled with strength…not a mustering or a gathering, but just allowing it to be. It is to be so convinced within that you must go forward, you must flow, you must move, you must allow. There is no other voice or state of being. It is like listening to a great composition of words or music, it carries you beyond yourself. It carries you to places that are beyond your imagination. It is most often found in the silence. The stillness that comes between thoughts.
Here healing is experienced.
So here lies the “work” to be done. The allowing of a calm mind, free from endless chatter and mind-numbing noise. It is only complicated if you decide it to be so. Any obstacle that we own, will continue to grow as we give credence to it. This is a universal law. What we give our attention to grows, whether it be wanted or unwanted. Whatever we resist, persists. This is why your breath is so important. Breathing steadily, deeply into our belly and just being aware of each breath, in and out. Breathing connects us to ourselves within. It helps transport us to the place between each breath, where our minds cease the chatter. Here healing is experienced
Suzanne Giesemann eloquently writes:
“Do not focus upon the symptoms when the body is out of balance. Yes, of course, notice and take appropriate action, and then let these fade into the background as you focus on balance and harmony. The body has its own wisdom. The cells know how to do their work of creating health and harmony. By flooding your system with thoughts of illness rather than wholeness and balance, you are fighting against your very self. Trust the process. Focus on balance as you turn your frown into a slight smile, no matter how poorly the body feels. You are co-creating health. In this way, where there is dis-ease and illness, you bring in balance with greater ease.”
Live well my friends, it’s our birthright and ability to do so. Adjust your mind accordingly, breathe and be patient. Love, Julia
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She loves her life in Western North Carolina.