Although white teeth are what everybody likes, many people suffer from discolored teeth despite regular brushing, flossing regularly and maintaining good oral hygiene. Yellow teeth do not pose any health problems but surely is reduces teeth aesthetics as it is unable to produce that bright and sparkling smile that everyone desires. Smile correction is a top agenda for many people because the appearance, shape, and orientation of teeth can seriously affect the way you smile and can be a reason for the loss of confidence. That people crave for white teeth is evident from the survey results conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry in which most people (about 90%) in the survey confessed about their intense desire to have white shining teeth, which almost any dental clinic can provide. For more information, visit Dental Cosmetic Spa.
Reasons for teeth discoloration
Aging – Aging is one of the reasons for teeth discoloration because over the years the teeth enamel, which forms the hard outer coating wears out and exposes the soft underlayer is known as dentin. Although the enamel is white, the dentin is yellow, and as the enamel wears away, the yellow color becomes visible.
Tobacco use – Tobacco addicts have discolored teeth because two chemicals find in tobacco causes hard and stubborn stains. Nicotine in tobacco is a colorless chemical that does not only damage overall health, but it also discolors the teeth by mixing with oxygen as the teeth turn yellowish that is hard to remove by brushing. Similarly, tar present in tobacco that has a dark color creates dark stains on teeth that look ugly.
Food and drink – Drinks like wine, tea and coffee are the biggest culprits in teeth staining because o the intense color pigments present in these. The pigments known as chromogens stick on the surface of the teeth and gradually cover it entirely to give a colored appearance by eclipsing the white teeth enamel.
Medications – The side effects of certain medications can discolor teeth and give it a dark appearance. Medications for high blood pressure, antihistamines, and antipsychotics are most to blame for it. Antibiotics like doxycycline and tetracycline affect children when they go through the teeth forming stage or even when in their mother's womb, which manifest in the form of discolored teeth when they grow up. Head and neck radiation and chemotherapy can also be bad for teeth as it leads to discoloration.
Trauma – Injury to the mouth that impacts teeth can discolor it because when confronting the injury, the teeth release more dentin that creates a layer on the enamel and makes it look yellowish.
Teeth whitening
The process of teeth whitening is simple. The dentist uses a teeth whitening product which can contain either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as a bleaching agent. The bleaches break stains into smaller pieces that fade the dark color and make the teeth whiter as the enamel becomes visible once again. The teeth shine brightly after the process.
Besides undergoing the process in a dental clinic, using some stain removal toothpaste that can scrub the teeth also helps for removing light stains. Some other teeth bleaching products are also available.