How long does a virus remain on a surface, such as a knob, door, TV remote, pen, cellphone, elevator button, etc.? It is said that for up to 24 hours. Now you’re probably thinking how many times you’ve touched those surfaces in a day, or how many other people touched it before you did? Forget it; it’s not worth it to make a drama and suffer anxiety attacks when thinking about viruses. And don’t even think of becoming a germaphobe. Luckily, there are many ways on how you can protect yourself from viruses, including when you’re in closed areas.
Wash and sanitize your hands often
Washing your hands many times a day is increasingly important, especially if you’re touching money, your cellphone, and other dirty objects. It’s almost impossible to avoid touching contaminated surfaces, so unless you’ve considered locking yourself in a crystal globe, the chances are that you might get bacteria. Therefore, wash your hands as often as possible, especially before and after you eat, or after you’ve touched public surfaces. Washing and sanitizing your hands can keep you healthy and prevent spreading bacteria from one person to another. Germs are everywhere, and they can spread quickly from other people if you touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with dirty hands.
Don’t sneeze in public areas
Coughing and sneezing are the most common ways of how a virus can be spread easily. Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow, to prevent spreading germs all over your hands and then on other surfaces. It’s best to use a cotton mask with string ties to stop the spread of germs. Whether you’re at the office, or any other public place, covering your nose and mouth with a mask, it’s incredibly important to help others be safe around you as well. If it’s a bad moment, and you don’t have a mask, just sneeze or cough using a tissue. Remember to throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands properly.
Don’t touch your face with dirty hands
Keeping your hands away from your face is another important aspect to consider. Without realizing it, many of us tend to touch our faces throughout the day. It’s the main reason why we get germs into our body so fast. Make sure that you properly wash your hands before eating or touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Stay home if you’re sick
One of the best ways to stop yourself from spreading germs to others is to stay home if you’re sick. You can get a flu by simply touching something, such as an elevator button that has been touched by many people before. Protect yourself by always remembering to wash your hands, avoid touching your face with dirty hands, and wear a mask in crowded places, especially if you’re sick. Also, encourage your coworkers and friends to do the same if they feel sick. It’s okay to work from home or take a few days off sick, rather than showing up to the office completely ill.