Sometimes the ingredients of life are not what we desire and come in the form of trauma, death, major changes, health challenges, etc. Sometimes we respond with anger, confusion, grief, depression, yet we have a choice in those times. Embrace the emotion, don’t resist and let it flow. The caveat is not to stay in extreme emotions. In other words don’t stay down too long or up so high that you lose your compassion. When we experience a balanced life, we understand that everything comes back to a leveling place, it is just a matter of time. Often we can trace our steps and see opportunities that lurked when darkness veiled our path.
Two Words of Allowance
Two of my favorite, long time words are ‘let go’. As change occurs, sometimes good, other times not so good, ‘let go’ is a way to recognize the change and to not resist. Allow. This doesn’t mean you should remain in a vulnerable place of harm, get help. It does mean when life events occur, give yourself space, cut some slack and ride. For example, the cycles of weather and our beautiful Earth. Storms blow through, sometimes they linger, but they always move on and the sun shines again even if it is on broken ground. A sprout springs forth from the chaos and the renewing process begins. Our life can be like that. We can endure the storm and we can be renewed.
What Stops the Flow?
What can stop that process? Bitterness, lingering anger, and unforgiveness. These are dark emotions that take us down and keep us prisoners. Be free. I choose to be free from those entities that wish to keep me captive. I refuse to surrender to the dark. However, I do realize that I am human and I will respond incorrectly at times, I will show displeasure at the wrong time and potentially cause another harm. Yet, I won’t stay there. I will ask for forgiveness, I will forgive (even if another doesn’t admit their part) and I will be renewed. This is ‘my fight’ song! I am not in battle though, I am passing through a myriad of experiences, some not to my liking and others as blessings in disguise.
How to Flow
Be easy on yourself, treat you as a treasure of great value, because you are. Believe it, no matter what. Choose love and compassion and forgiveness, they will serve you well, always.
What does it take for you to love life?
It comes from within, not in the form of something or someone. You may desire abundance, love, acceptance, or health. All are in you now. Embrace this truth as fact for it is. Make room for allowance and flow. Let go of the shackles and be good to yourself.

Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, grandmother, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.