The Sagittarius New Moon of the 12th/13th of December is conjunct the Fixed Star Atria, which can be very fortunate and benevolent.
And yet this is a New Moon with potentially less favourable energies.
Why? Well, the rebellious energies of Uranus forges a potentially discordant Quincunx and the dreamy but illusory vibe of Neptune a square.
The first influence can be some sudden unexpected costs, the latter, is perhaps the most tricky asking us to be mindful of the potential for distortion and unreality, and most of all exaggeration.
The next month is not a time to be too open about sensitive of private issues, and we must all try to keep a sense of proportion, if not, fact really can be stranger than fiction.
Care around travel and contracts is also needed, not least with Mercury going into Retrograde on the 13th but rewinding into Sagittarius on the 23rd of December.